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Bombshell New Book Claims Meghan Markle Sneaked Out of Palace and Demanded Payment

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Royal Family News

Bombshell New Book Claims Meghan Markle Sneaked Out of Palace and Demanded Payment

A new book by Valentin Lowe, titled “Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown,” has made incendiary claims about , also known as the Duchess of Sussex and Princess Pinocchio.

One royal fan shared on Quora about Meghan's way of bypassing royal protocol by sneaking out of the palace, which caused chaos for Michelle Obama's security during her book launch in December 2018.

The first event took place when Meghan left the palace to attend Michelle Obama's book launch.

This secret meeting created chaos for Michelle's security as Meghan felt like she could just walk into the event and immediately doors would open for her.

There were some reports that Michelle was very impressed by Meghan's attitude.

The second event was when Meghan left the palace to attend the fashion awards in December 2018.


Meghan, wearing a Givenchy dress, made a surprise appearance at Royal Albert Hall where she presented an award.

Nobody at the palace knew about this, and their communications secretary, Jason Knopf, was never informed.

According to the book, Meghan and Harry were asked to go to the palace the following morning to speak to Her Majesty the Queen after keeping this information for almost four years.

Upon arriving, Meghan was heard saying, “Oh, I'm getting in trouble for making this family look good.”

Prince Philip was heard saying, “This American is worse than the other one.”

Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Philip talked to Meghan about the importance of maintaining a low profile and the significance of service in the royal family.

Meghan then said, “But it's me who they, the people, want to see.”

The Queen explained to Meghan that once she understands that the family is not about overexposure, she will find peace in her heart.

Meghan and Harry left the palace upset, and Meghan was asked to never again sneak out of the palace as it becomes a massive security risk.

The royal fan noticed that this was leaked by one of the staff who was repulsed by Meghan's behavior and treatment of the royal family.

Her sneaking around may seem fun and cute to her, but it puts her security at risk and creates havoc for the celebrity she's trying to visit.

It's also an embarrassment for the palace for not knowing her activities.

In addition, the book claims that Meghan was heard to whine about not getting paid to be a senior royal.

Staff reportedly heard her say, “I can't believe I'm not getting paid for this.”

Lowe also describes Meghan's attitude towards her staff, describing a meeting where Meghan allegedly lambasted a young female member in front of colleagues over a plan that she'd presented.

Unfortunately, it gets worse as was accused of brow-beating staff repeatedly, including one occasion when an employee fell foul of the Duchess over a mix-up involving press and engagement.

The poor staffer said that Meghan was blanking her, she's not picking up, I feel terrified, this is so ridiculous I can't stop shaking.

These claims contradict Meghan's mantra of “be kind.”

It's unclear whether Meghan doesn't understand how dangerous her activities are or if she just doesn't care.

Prince Philip's comment, “the other American was better,” seems to suggest that he preferred Meghan's predecessor, .

In conclusion, the new book by Valentin Lowe has made shocking claims about Meghan Markle's behavior, including sneaking out of the palace and demanding payment for her role as a senior royal.

The book also describes her attitude towards her staff, which contradicts her message of kindness.

These claims have caused a stir among royal fans and will undoubtedly lead to further discussions about Meghan's behavior in the future.

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