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Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: How They Juggle Parenting and Royal Duties

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Royal Family News

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: How They Juggle Parenting and Royal Duties

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are not only the world's most famous couple and full-time working royals, but they are also parents to three little royals.

Each year, the royal couple attends hundreds of official events and serves as patrons or worldwide ambassadors for dozens of charities throughout the world.

Despite their busy schedules, they manage to do it all without putting a foot wrong.

, , and were all born at Paddington St Mary's Hospital.

Around the time George was born, it was reported that the couple had decided not to hire a nanny or any other additional help because they wanted to be full-time parents while continuing to fulfil their royal duties.

However, they soon realized that putting their hearts and souls into two careers was not an easy feat, so they hired a nanny.


Teresa Maria Torreon-Borello started working for the Cambridges when was about eight months old in 2014.

Before hiring Nanny Maria, Catherine confided in the Queen about how difficult she found it during the family's visit to Sandringham for Christmas when the two women had a heart-to-heart.

Catherine was struggling to be with George on her own and not having a full-time nanny or a maternity nurse.

Royal expert Katie Nicholls explained that William and Catherine wanted to be hands-on parents and they did until September, and then they recruited a nanny.

Parenting writer Kelly Rose Bradford also weighed in, explaining that despite their good intentions, Catherine and William soon realized they couldn't hold down their jobs and also care full-time for their children.

While Catherine didn't have initial help from a nanny, one person who is thought to have stepped up is her mum, with Royal Insiders crediting Carol Middleton for being a great help for the family of five.

One of the things that allows William and Catherine to be so ordinary is the presence of the Middletons in their lives.

Katie Nicholl went on to explain that Carol Middleton turns up to help with bedtime and bath time.

She's absolutely indispensable.

Law reporter Simon Vega added that Mummy and Daddy Middleton are absolutely critical to this story, going right back 10 years and all through the courtship.

Carol is very involved in the upbringing of George and looking after her eldest daughter Catherine when she was ill with extreme morning sickness.

For many weeks, Catherine was at home in Berkshire with mum and dad and grandma Middleton, who were taking up the strain.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have always been very open about their parenting struggles.

During a visit to Dundee, Scotland, in 2019, Catherine admitted that she had felt isolated after the birth of Prince George and that motherhood was “lonely at times.”

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