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Harry and Meghan Markle’s Potential Humiliation at the Oscars

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Royal Family News

Harry and Meghan Markle’s Potential Humiliation at the Oscars

The recent Oscars ceremony had many people wondering if and would be mentioned, and potentially humiliated, during the event.

However, host Jimmy Kimmel spared the couple from any roasting, instead going after Will Smith for a previous incident.

This lack of attention towards the Sussexes is actually a good thing, as it shows they are no longer relevant in Hollywood.

Despite rumors that Harry and Meghan were planning a major get-together at Montecito, the event was reportedly cancelled due to the SVB banking mess.

However, royal fans quickly pointed out that this was another lie, and that the couple's lack of attendance may be due to the fact that they are not worthy of being invited to the Oscars.

According to celebrity PR expert Carlos Speight, it would have made little sense for and to attend the 95th Academy Awards in Los Angeles.


The only time celebrities go to these types of awards is for three reasons: they've been nominated, they're networking, or they have a project they want to plug.

Harry and Meghan don't have any of those reasons to be there, so it's no surprise that they won't be in attendance.

The Sussexes haven't attended the Oscars before, but were reportedly invited to host an award at the 2022 Academy Awards.

However, the plan was later scrapped.

Viewers of this year's Oscars generally agreed with the PR's opinion, with one social media user tweeting, “Meghan hasn't actively appeared in anything, why would she attend?”

There is a growing perception that Hollywood is falling out of love with Harry and Meghan.

Kinsey Schofield, host of the To Die For Daily podcast, recently told Fox News, “I do think Harry and Meghan expected more support from Hollywood than they've recently received.”

While some may speculate that the couple's lack of attendance was due to fear of being mocked, it's more likely that they simply didn't have a reason to be there.

The documentary they were involved in wasn't nominated, Meghan isn't currently acting, and Harry has no plans to act either.

It's clear that Harry and Meghan are yesterday's news in Hollywood, and not worthy of being invited to the Oscars.

They're not even worthy of being mocked on the show, let alone invited.

This lack of attention towards the couple may be a sign that Hollywood is moving on from them, and that they are no longer as relevant as they once were.

In conclusion, Harry and Meghan's potential humiliation at the Oscars was a non-issue, as they weren't mentioned at all.

Their lack of attendance was likely due to the fact that they had no reason to be there, and not because they were afraid of being mocked.

While some may see this as a sign that Hollywood is falling out of love with the couple, it's more likely that they are simply no longer relevant in the entertainment industry.

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