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Harry and Meghan’s Parenting Style Under Scrutiny: Allegations of Neglect and Anxiety Issues for Archie

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Royal Family News

Harry and Meghan’s Parenting Style Under Scrutiny: Allegations of Neglect and Anxiety Issues for Archie

The world has been eagerly waiting for a glimpse of Harry and Meghan's two children, and .

However, according to an exclusive report by Markle News on Instagram, there may be some concerning news regarding the royal couple's parenting style.

An unidentified informant has claimed that in the near future, pictures of the children may be released or proven to be fake.

The source also alleged that has been removed from nursery due to severe anxiety around socializing with others.

Official people are reportedly working with the family and telling Harry and Meghan that they need to interact with the kids and not desert them for weeks at a time.

While these claims have not been verified, if true, it raises questions about the wellbeing of the royal couple's children.


It is concerning that a three-year-old child is experiencing severe anxiety to the point where he is not socially thriving and seems stunted in his learning.

The source further alleged that an official working with the family is trying to coach Meghan out of trying to control and discipline even the most trivial behaviors.

This is in line with the saying “manners make the man,” but it is important to note that a three-year-old should not be focusing on passing salt and pepper together.

Asking a three-year-old to pass something is asking for a spill.

The anonymous source also claimed that Archie is highly anxious and not attached to his parents.

The family is reportedly working with professionals to help them form attachments, but Archie seems anxious about even trying to learn to attach to Meghan.

These claims have left royal watchers feeling sorry for the children.

One person wrote on Instagram that they feel sorry for the children because they aren't getting what they need.

Another commenter agreed and said that Meghan's self-absorbed personality is affecting the children negatively.

It is concerning that the children are being isolated from interpersonal relationships.

The allegations of neglect and anxiety issues are worrying, and it comes after Meghan revealed that she is rethinking her parenting style.

She wants her children to be more self-sufficient, but this should not come at the cost of their emotional wellbeing.

Meghan said on a recent podcast episode that knowing what you want and asking for what you need is essential, but as you get older, this can sometimes be thrown back in your face as though you're being difficult.

It is important to note that children need love, care, and attention from their parents to thrive emotionally and mentally.

In conclusion, the allegations of neglect and anxiety issues regarding Harry and Meghan's children are concerning.

While these claims have not been verified, it is important for the royal couple to prioritize their children's emotional and mental wellbeing.

Parenting is a challenging job, but neglecting a child's emotional needs can have long-lasting effects.

We hope that the family receives the support they need to ensure their children are happy, healthy, and thriving.

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