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Harry’s Persistence in Capturing the Moment Queen Elizabeth Met Lilibet

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Royal Family News

Harry’s Persistence in Capturing the Moment Queen Elizabeth Met Lilibet

and made a trip back to the UK from their California home earlier this year for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

The couple reportedly brought their two children, and , with them.

However, shortly after their arrival, it was reported that the Sussexes were denied a photo opportunity by the palace for the first meeting between and the Queen.

According to a source who spoke to The Sun at the time, Harry and Meghan wanted their photographer to capture the moment Lilibet met the Queen, but they were told that it was a private family meeting and no photos were allowed.

Despite this, Harry was persistent and continued to put forward their request for a photograph of the two Lilibets together at some point in the future.

When the couple made another beeline for Windsor Castle, travelling straight after landing at Farnborough Airport, they requested to have professional photographs taken with and Lilibet.


However, world journalist Tomini wrote in The Telegraph that the Queen refused their request, claiming she had a bloodshot eye and adroitly denying the Sussexes the photo opportunity that they so craved.

Royal fans believe that when realised was merging the connection, she refused any more photos and didn't even attend Archie's christening.

There was also no baptism for Lilibet, and the Queen refused a photo of her, making an excuse about her eye.

The only photo of and Prince Philip with Archie is the famous photo that was taken in St George's Hall just after he was born.

It was revealed that Meghan Markle made a secret deal with Gayle King and CBS News for the timing to coincide with the start of a morning show, excluding BBC and ITV.

By this point, Meghan and Harry were mostly dealing with Sunshine Sachs and their own PR people and already setting up deals in the USA.

They ignored the advice of their royal office staffers, refused to release details of the birth, refused to reveal the name of the godparents, and refused to participate in Royal Rota except with the chosen media outlets.

There are unusual conspiracies surrounding Archie's picture of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

Some social media users have claimed that the photo is fake.

User named Sue Kelly said on Quora that the photo is fake, and that Her Majesty was wearing that exact outfit at the Royal Windsor Horse Show, where she and Prince Philip were looking at a foal, and it was superimposed onto that photo.

Another user agreed, saying that Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Philip had been superimposed onto the photo.

The real photo of them is from a horse show, looking at a foal.

It's actually funny because I just spent a good half hour searching for the photo of the Queen and Philip, it's nowhere to be found.

I've no doubt in my mind that Meghan had it scrubbed from the internet to hide their deceit.

Doria was also photoshopped in.

If you look up close, Archie is completely still, and I've seen people compare him to a reborn doll, and he looks exactly like one they found.

During an interview with a reporter, Harry made a mistake when he said, “everyone says babies change so much over two weeks,” and at that time, they had thought it had only been two days.

He corrected himself and blamed it on lack of sleep.

Despite the controversies surrounding the Sussexes and their attempts to capture the moment Queen Elizabeth met Lilibet, it remains a private family moment that will never be captured on camera.

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