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Jason Sudeikis and Meghan Markle: The Latest Gossip

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Royal Family News

Jason Sudeikis and Meghan Markle: The Latest Gossip

In the world of Hollywood gossip, it's hard to keep up with who's dating whom, who's broken up, and who's secretly seeing someone else.

Recently, a verified blind gossip has confirmed that Jason Sudeikis has also been with .

According to the source, Meghan was with Trevor while she was sleeping with Jason, and she was with Corey while sleeping with Harry.

This could also explain why Ninnicki Pretty found out about a breakup with Trevor that made her drop Meghan as a friend.

Ninnicki Pretty is torn between joy and deep bewilderment when she remembers the blisteringly happy day that her best friend got married to Trevor Engelson.

Meg was 30 years old and riding high on the success of the first series of the American TV drama Suits when she vowed to love and cherish film producer Trevor Engelson in front of more than 100 guests on a beach in Jamaica.


Ninnicki, who was made of honour, recalls that Meg literally shone with happiness.

“We'd been like sisters since we were two years old, so I knew she'd always wanted to get married.

To see her finally doing that was such a big deal, it was such a moving wedding.”

The ceremony took place on the beach and was so beautiful to watch and be a part of.

They each wrote their own vows, and they loved each other so much.

At that time, Meg had just finished the first series of Suits, which was a big part for her as it was her first full-time role.

She'd hustled for years to get there, so that was huge.

Trevor was so supportive, travelling back and forth from Los Angeles to Toronto where Suits is filmed.

There was a lot of Skyping and FaceTiming going on, and it was an exciting time.

This was the man she wanted to have children with.

Fast forward six years, and that marriage is over.

Meghan has just become engaged to , and many of the friends who celebrated with the newlyweds on that beach are no longer speaking to Meghan.

Ninnicki says her own falling out with Meghan came after she disapproved of the manner of Meghan's breakup from Trevor.

In a 2016 interview, Miss Pretty revealed that a 31-year friendship with Meghan came to an end only after she spoke to Engelson.

She told the Daily Mail, “Meg used to tell me she couldn't imagine a life without Trevor.

She said if anything were to happen to him, she wouldn't be able to go on.

He cherished her too.

You should have seen the way he used to hold her face in his hands.

We all felt he was her eternal love.”

It was such a shock when she told me they were getting divorced.

After about three seasons of Suits, she called me and said she wanted me to know because it was going to come out in the papers.

Miss Pretty said she thought they would have manoeuvred through it as best they could as she wasn't aware there were any problems in the marriage.

She then revealed she felt bad for Meghan's ex-husband and decided to speak to him.

She said a month after the divorce, “I wanted to see how Trevor was doing.

We met and talked.

It's not up to me to speak for Trevor, but I know he was travelling to Toronto every few weeks and would have walked the earth to make the marriage work.

I don't believe she gave him enough of an opportunity.

I think there was an element of out of sight, out of mind for Meghan.

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