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King Charles III’s Coronation: Concerns Over Royal Gown

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Royal Family News

King Charles III’s Coronation: Concerns Over Royal Gown

With just a few weeks to go until King Charles III's coronation, palace aides are reportedly concerned about the monarch tripping over his elaborate royal gown during the ceremony.

According to the Mirror's Royal Source, extensive rehearsals have been taking place featuring the King and Queen Consort at a mock-up Westminster Abbey built inside Buckingham Palace.

However, it seems that the sacred royal robes could cause the 74-year-old monarch some problems on the day of the ceremony, potentially leading him to trip in front of a global audience of millions.

The King reportedly commented on how heavy the gown is, leading aides to privately express real fears that he could accidentally tumble on the walk up to the throne chairs.

To prevent any mishaps on the way up to the chairs of state, master craftsmen are building a ramp.

This will ensure that the King will be able to make his grand entrance without any unexpected tumbles.


The palace is taking steps to ensure the King's safety, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

Wardrobe-related concerns are not limited to the King.

There is reportedly huge anxiety over what outfits the royal women will wear, with decisions being made down to the wire.

It's not easy being a member of the royal family, especially when it comes to fashion choices.

Logistical anxieties have also cropped up in recent days, with seating plans not yet finalised.

It's hard to believe that the coronation is little more than three weeks away, and there's still so much uncertainty.

However, we shouldn't let these worries overshadow what is sure to be a magnificent event.

The coronation service, originally planned to last 90 minutes, will now run for three hours and 45 minutes.

That's right, get ready for a marathon of royal pageantry.

The King's procession will set off from Westminster Abbey back to Buckingham Palace at 1pm, giving the public plenty of time to catch a glimpse of the newly crowned monarch.

We can only imagine the amount of planning and preparation that goes into such a momentous occasion.

We applaud the palace officials for their attention to detail and dedication to making sure everything runs smoothly.

After all, this is not just any event, this is a coronation.

The world will be watching as King Charles III takes his place on the throne.

So let's make sure he does it in style.

As for the rest of us, we'll be eagerly awaiting the fashion choices of the royal women and keeping our fingers crossed for a smooth and successful coronation.

It's not every day that we get to witness history in the making, so let's savour the moment and enjoy the event.

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