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King Charles to Break Tradition with Relaxed Dress Code for Coronation

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Royal Family News

King Charles to Break Tradition with Relaxed Dress Code for Coronation

The Royal Family is known for its adherence to tradition and strict protocol, but King Charles has decided to break away from this for his upcoming coronation.

According to reports, formal dress is not encouraged, and even Members of Parliament may only wear their usual parliamentary ermine or standard business dress.

This news may come as a surprise to some, as the British monarchy is known for its love of all things ceremonial and formal.

It is speculated that King Charles is trying to modernize the monarchy, given that his coronation ceremony will only be an hour long compared to the three-hour ceremony of 's coronation in 1953.

Some also suggest that he is reflecting the current climate and the cost of living crisis.

On the other hand, others believe that the King is simply tired of seeing people stumbling around in uncomfortable stuffy and formal attire during these events.


It's time to break free from the constraints of royal protocol and embrace a more relaxed dress code.

After all, how many times have you worn a suit or gown and thought, “I can't wait to take this off,” and that's just for a regular event, let alone a coronation where you have to stand around for hours on end?

Who knows, maybe in a few years' time, we'll see Queen wearing sneakers and a tracksuit to her next public appearance.

While some might argue that a more relaxed dress code is a breach of royal tradition, it's important to remember that tradition evolves over time.

Who's to say that a monarch can't put his own spin on things and create a new tradition?

In recent years, the use of real fur in traditional parliamentary robes has come under scrutiny due to the unethical practices involved in sourcing ermine fur.

II famously stopped wearing real fur back in 2019, opting instead for faux fur in the colder months.

It's good to see that King Charles is taking this into consideration and not requiring guests to wear fur.

It remains to be seen if King Charles will make any other changes to the traditional dress code.

However, one thing is for sure, the King's coronation is expected to be a reflection of his role in today's society, while still rooted in long-standing traditions and pageantry.

This could be an exciting time for the monarchy as we see it adapt to a changing world while still maintaining its unique identity.

Perhaps the relaxed dress code will catch on and become the norm for future royal events.

It's about time we let go of the stuffy formalities and embrace a more comfortable and practical way of dressing.

So, if you're lucky enough to attend King Charles' coronation, don't fret about your outfit, just wear something comfortable and enjoy the spectacle.

Who knows, maybe your relaxed dress code will start a new trend in royal fashion.

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