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Lady C Drops Bombshell on Lily Mystery with Scary Secrets

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Royal Family News

Lady C Drops Bombshell on Lily Mystery with Scary Secrets

The identity of and 's children has been a topic of discussion in recent times.

While King Charles III is expected to grant HRH status to Prince III and Princess I, there have been reports that the Sussex children won't be granted this status.

This decision has sparked heated debates among royal commentators who are divided on whether it is the right call given the Sussex's departure from leading figures in the royal family.

Lady C, a former royal insider, recently spoke to Dan Wooten on GB News about the issue.

She stated that any pressure put on the new king to grant HRH status to the youngsters was vulgar and tasteless.

GB News' Dan expressed his confusion about why the couple would want to give their children an HRH title, given the way they feel about the institution and Britain.


Lady C responded by saying that the Sussexes are opportunistic and that it's all about money, recognition, and status.

Lady C also pointed out that there is a precedent for the grandchildren of a monarch to not have the use of prince and princess titles.

She cited Lord Severn and Lady Louise Windsor as examples, who are the grandchildren of Her Late Majesty.

Therefore, there is no reason why the king should feel pressurized by the neo-puritanical American press and the neo-puritanical supporters of Harry and Meghan who are allowing themselves to be used to denigrate Anglo-Saxon culture not only here but in the United States of America.

Lady C further criticized the couple's choice of names for their children.

She described Prince as “Archie Bunker come to life” and questioned why a princess would have a nickname as a proper name.

She believes that Harry and Meghan want to have their cake and eat it too by using their God-given position to serve themselves rather than the British people and the British Commonwealth.

Lady C's outrage has led her to suggest that King Charles III should not allow the Sussex children to be called Prince or Princess anything.

She thinks that the situation should be replicated as to what has happened with the Wessex children.

Harry and Meghan are not any more special, and their children are no more special than the Earl and Countess of Wessex and their two children.

In other news, has been told to choose her words carefully in order to survive in Hollywood.

A studio boss recently stated that she's ruffling feathers by attacking 20-year-old iconic movies based on today's new woke morality and isn't exactly endearing herself to studios she and might hope to do business with.

If she continues, she will be playing with fire, and that could have disastrous consequences for their company Archewell.

This comes after Meghan spoke about the filmmakers s**ually tokenizing Asian women on episode 4 of her podcast Archetypes.

She expressed her displeasure with movies like Austin Powers and Kill Bill, which presented these characters of Asian women as over-sexualized or aggressive.

She further criticized the toxic stereotyping of women of Asian descent, which she believes doesn't just end when the credits roll.

Lady C's bombshell revelation has further fueled the debate about the Sussex children's HRH status.

While some believe that the couple's departure from leading figures in the royal family warrants the decision, others think it's unfair to deny them the right to have certain levels of royal security.

Meghan's comments about Hollywood have also raised eyebrows, with some believing that it could harm her career prospects.

Regardless, it's clear that the Sussexes continue to make headlines, both for their actions and their words.

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