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Mariah Carey Embraces Being Called a Diva: Is She Taking a Swipe at Meghan Markle?

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Royal Family News

Mariah Carey Embraces Being Called a Diva: Is She Taking a Swipe at Meghan Markle?

In a recent interview with Gayle King, Mariah Carey revealed that she doesn't shy away from being labeled a diva.

“I thought it was just meant as something fabulous,” she said.

“I don't take that as a disrespectful term.

I don't care.

They're like, diva Mariah Carey.

I'm like, alright, whatever.”


While Carey may not find the term offensive, some royal fans couldn't help but think she was taking a subtle dig at and her “boring” podcast.

One fan commented, “I'm thinking that Mariah is referencing that Em made too big a deal about the word diva.

That's what Rachel does, is she gets defensive about everything.

Rachel is so insecure that she gets defensive and tries to segue that victim into a boring podcast.

Even Whoopi criticized her for the deal or no deal comment.

is on her way down.”

It's worth noting that Carey accused Meghan of having her own diva moments in Archewell Audio's second episode.

In the episode titled “The Duality of Diva,” the former Suits actress revealed that she looked up to Carey as an aspirational figure when she was younger.

However, things took a turn when Meghan began discussing the term diva and said she doesn't connect to the diva persona.

Carey then jumped in and accused the Duchess of having her own diva moments.

“You give us diva moments sometimes, Meghan,” Carey said.

“Don't act like you don't.”

Meghan appeared flustered and reportedly squirmed in her chair as she asked, “What kind of diva moments did I give you?”

She later explained that she heard the word diva as a dig, despite Carey meaning it as a compliment.

“How one word can mean something very different for each of us.

It's mind-blowing to me,” Meghan said.

According to a royal watcher on Instagram, the friendship between Carey and Meghan has tanked after the podcast.

“It's not just what was being said, but they were kind of catty about it, which is telling about how ridiculously overblown it really was,” the watcher wrote.

“Mariah is adult enough to take the criticism in stride and to own it and be able to laugh at herself.

Interestingly, Mariah never ever posted anything about her sesh with the narc on her Instagram, which altogether signals that the mini friendship has also tanked.”

Another fan added, “Meghan Markle definitely tried to spin this with her overture in the podcast to hide how uncomfortable she gets when there is anything that could even be perceived as criticism.

The issue when you're that desperate to fill a hole and act like you don't and you're not insecure is those moments speak volumes.

Mariah is light years ahead in terms of real confidence and ability to navigate any criticism.

This will be the downfall of the Harkles.”

While it's unclear if Carey intended to take a swipe at Meghan during her interview with Gayle King, it's clear that tensions between the two may have risen following their exchange on Archewell Audio.

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