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Meeting The Queen: A Guide To Royal Protocol

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Royal Family News

Meeting The Queen: A Guide To Royal Protocol

Meeting the queen is a rare and exciting opportunity that very few people will ever experience.

However, it’s important to remember that there are certain protocols and etiquettes that one must follow when in the presence of Her Majesty.

Whether you’re meeting the queen at a formal event or running into her on the street, here’s a guide to what not to do.


Don’t Touch Her Majesty
It’s important to remember that touching the queen is strictly prohibited.

This rule dates back to medieval times when monarchs were seen as divine beings appointed by God.

While the notion of divine right of kings has eased up, it’s still important to treat the queen with respect and formality.


Remember the raised eyebrows when Michelle Obama put her arm around the queen in 2009?

It’s best to stick to a formal handshake.


Don’t Go Empty-Handed
Showing up empty-handed is a big no-no.

People are advised to bring a gift that is appropriate for the occasion or reflects local culture.

It’s always better to be prepared than to risk offending Her Majesty.


Don’t Sit Down Before Her
No matter how tired you are, it’s important to always stand when the queen enters a room.

You may only sit when the queen sits down herself.

This is a sign of respect and formality.


Don’t Panic, Bow
When the queen is making a beeline for you, it’s important to either bow or curtsy, depending on whether you’re a woman or a man.

If you’re a US citizen, however, all you’re obliged to do is shake her hand.

But remember, no hugging.


Don’t Ignore the Dress Code
It’s important to dress accordingly when attending an event that the queen will be at.

Always follow the dress code and wear appropriate attire.

If the event is black tie, wear black tie.


Don’t Refer to Her by Her First Name
While the royal family may be familiar to us, it’s important to remember that we’re not on a first name basis with them.

When you first meet the queen, she should be addressed as “Your Majesty” and “Ma’am” thereafter.

If she leaves, however, you must address her as “Your Majesty” once again.

No nicknames or informalities.


Don’t Speak First
This rule exists so that Her Royal Highness can control every aspect of the conversation, including exiting it swiftly.

So only speak when spoken to.


Don’t Eat Before She Does
It’s important to wait until the queen starts eating before you start.

This is a sign of respect and formality.

It’s best to have a quick snack beforehand in case any speeches go on for a long time.

And if she has finished eating, you better be full too.

In conclusion, meeting the queen is a rare and exciting opportunity that comes with certain protocols and etiquettes.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be sure to make a good impression and show your respect for Her Majesty.

Remember, when in doubt, it’s always better to err on the side of formality and respect.

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