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Meghan Markle: A Divisive Figure Who Has Made Enemies with the Royal Family

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle: A Divisive Figure Who Has Made Enemies with the Royal Family

The Duchess of Sussex, , has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons lately.

Her commercialization and portrayal of herself as a victim have rubbed many people the wrong way, including members of the royal family.

According to expert Duncan Larcombe, Meghan has made a lot of enemies out of people who feel second to her as she tries to portray herself as a normal commercial brand.

This has created a frenzy around her, with some people loving her while others loathe her.

Meghan's divisive character is evident in her family relationships.

She doesn't speak to her father, and her sister seems to absolutely loathe her.


King Charles is now calling the shots for the clan, and one royal expert predicts that is in for a lifetime of exile.

Charles is reportedly making sweeping changes, and a hundred staff are facing walking papers.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may not be spared from the sword.

According to Fox News, the Markles just don't bring that much to the table to make them irreplaceable.

Meghan is a former actress who listed herself as a supermodel on her resume prior to landing the biggest role of her career.

On the other hand, Harry is a prince by birth with no career direction, but ready and happy to trade on his good looks and having no responsibility in life.

They were a match made in superficial heaven.

Meghan allegedly told her cronies that her father-in-law liked her a lot, and they got along well.

However, things changed when her husband trashed him on TV and whatever platform was willing to accommodate them in the last two years.

King Charles is in charge now, but the outlet claims that he is not the royal that Meghan and Harry should be worried about.

The one to worry about instead is William, the Prince of Wales, who's married to Kate, the woman Meghan called a bullying name twice on her tell-all.

A source told Fox News that what frustrated Meghan the most was that she couldn't make William like her.

She relayed this back to Harry, who remained perplexed at the situation.

After all, everyone loves Meghan, right?

But pigs routinely fly.

Meghan apparently saw William, not 73-year-old Charles, as the future of the monarchy and her ticket to a new starring role.

However, Meghan may have an ace up her sleeve.

Charles simply cannot fathom just how he's ended up like this with Harry when they were once so close, and now Meghan holds the key to that.

She knows he'll need her if she's to allow Harry back to any kind of relationship with his father, and Charles is very aware of this.

But William is no Charles.

A source maintains that William cannot abide Meghan despite what you saw at the recent Windsor walkabout.

He's playing the very long game, and make no mistake, she's terrified of him simply because throughout all of this, William has not once shown any inkling to her charms.

This is annoying Meghan beyond belief.

In conclusion, 's actions have made her a divisive figure, with some people loving her while others loathe her.

Her portrayal of herself as a victim and commercialization have rubbed many people the wrong way, including members of the royal family.

King Charles is now calling the shots for the clan, and one royal expert predicts that is in for a lifetime of exile.

Meghan's relationship with William, the Prince of Wales, is strained, and she may not have the same influence over him as she does over Charles.

It remains to be seen how this will play out in the future, but one thing is for sure: Meghan's actions have consequences, and she may have to face them sooner rather than later.

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