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Meghan Markle Accused of Ghosting and Fake Pregnancy Rumors

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle Accused of Ghosting and Fake Pregnancy Rumors

Former actress and Duchess of Sussex, , has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons lately.

During a recent TV appearance, Tom Bauer accused Markle of cutting him off and having a tendency to ghost people.

Bauer went on to say that Markle is a very determined woman who controls the narrative and cuts off anyone she doesn't like, such as her father or the royal family.

There have also been long-standing rumors that Markle never carried her children, and , and instead employed a surrogate.

However, these rumors were not included in Bauer's book as they could not be verified.

There is also no evidence to suggest that Markle was unable to conceive.


In fact, Markle has spoken about her desire to have children in the past.

She didn't want children with her first husband, Trevor Engelson, as her career was taking off, but later said that Harry was the ideal father for her future children.

This gave her status as her kids are in the line of succession.

Despite this, global searches for “ fake pregnancy” have increased by 1,650% in the last 90 days, while “Meghan Markle fake bump” is up 4,400%.

Markle reportedly came under heavy conspiracy over son 's birth despite the Queen's ruling on birth verification.

One conspiracy theory surrounding Archie's birth was that Markle used a surrogate to give birth, while another claimed that she faked her pregnancy entirely.

At the time, many spun stories and accused her of having sneaked a baby in a warming pan or through a secret door in the bedhead.

Professor Mephistle even dubbed it the first media circus surrounding a royal birth.

The custom of birth verification was abolished in 1948 by herself, shortly before the birth of her son .

This rule allowed royal women more privacy during the birthing process.

Aside from Bauer's recent claims about Markle, he also accused her of lacking a sense of humor when she met 's friends for the first time during a shooting weekend.

According to Bauer, Markle lashed out at her husband's friends following their sexist and rude comments.

However, TV host David Campbell came to Markle's defense by questioning why took her to the shooting weekend on their second date.

Royal correspondent Natalie Oliveri also said that she cannot blame Markle because she's an animal lover.

Other than Bauer, several others have come forward to defend Markle following his claims.

Royal fans questioned Bauer's claims about Markle and Serena Williams' friendship after the royal author said that the two were not really close.

One fan tweeted that Bauer is spreading lies and made-up conspiracies that he read on Twitter in his book.

Despite these rumors and accusations, Markle has remained strong and focused.

She has continued to work on her various charitable projects and has even launched a new children's book, “The Bench.”

Markle has also been vocal about her struggles with mental health and has encouraged others to seek help when needed.

In conclusion, while Markle has faced numerous allegations and rumors over the years, she has remained resilient and determined.

Her focus on charitable work and advocacy for mental health has shown that she is a strong and compassionate individual.

It is important to remember that rumors and accusations should be taken with a grain of salt, and that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

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