Royal Family News
Meghan Markle: New Allegations of Bullying and Abuse
Allegations of bullying behaviour by Meghan Markle have resurfaced in a new book by Valentin Lowe, the London Times Royal Correspondent who first reported that formal complaints had been made about Meghan by senior Buckingham Palace staff.
In an extract from Lowe's book entitled Courtiers, the Hidden Power Behind the Crown, due to be published early next month in the UK, Lowe alleges that Meghan repeatedly left staff members in tears and shaking with fear after subjecting them to angry tirades.
One worker was quoted saying, “Every ten minutes I had to go outside to be screamed at by her, Meghan and Harry.”
The worker recalled the conversation saying, “It was ‘I can't believe you've done this, you've let me down, what were you thinking?'
The claim is that dialogue continued over a number of hours, reportedly the calls went on for days at all times of the day and night.
Meghan's behaviour shocked Royal fans with one sharing, “The excerpt from Mr Lowe's book and bullying was worse than I thought when initially reported.
It was more than bullying, it was abuse and honestly, calling the one aide every ten minutes is harassment or even stalking and didn't suspect Henry was in it so deep, wasn't he the royal that would make morning coffee for staff, Henry is anything but hapless.”
Further problems were reported between the couple and the Queen's long-established dresser Angela Kelly.
Prior to her wedding to Harry, the Duchess was told the Queen would lend her a tiara for the big day as she had done for Kate during her wedding to Prince William.
But Miss Kelly was not available the same day Meghan's hairdresser was, so neither was the tiara.
This meant Meghan wasn't given an opportunity to rehearse with the tiara before the day of the wedding and this in Harry's view was Miss Kelly being obstructive the book claimed.
Moreover, Meghan Markle is said to have told Prince Harry she'd break up with him if the Duke of Sussex didn't make their relationship public.
The claim comes from an insider that states Meghan furiously forced Harry into revealing their relationship to the public, causing Harry to freak out.
The book reads, “Faced with hordes of journalists intent on trawling through every aspect of Meghan's life, Harry became determined to protect his girlfriend.
Meghan meanwhile told him that if he did not do something about it, she would break off the relationship.”
A source said, “She was saying, ‘If you don't put out a statement confirming I'm your girlfriend, I'm going to break up with you.'
Harry was in a panic.”
In light of the alleged break-up being on the cards, Harry is said to have contacted Jason Knopf, at the time Kensington Palace Communications Secretary, to make the announcement.
The book continued, “Harry phoned Knopf demanding that he put out a statement confirming that Meghan was his girlfriend and condemning the racist and sexist undertones of some of the media coverage.
Meghan wanted public validation that this was a serious relationship.
She was convinced that the palace was unwilling to protect her from media intrusion.
She told Harry's staff, ‘I know how the palace works.
I know how this is going to play out.
You don't care about the girlfriend.'”
These new allegations come after the Duchess of Sussex was accused of bullying by former royal aides, which she denied.
Buckingham Palace has since launched an investigation into these claims.
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