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Meghan Markle: The Lazy Interviewer

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle: The Lazy Interviewer

, the Duchess of Sussex, has been known to be a terrible interviewer.

It seems that she doesn't even bother to speak to her guests, making her America's laziest interviewer.

Even worse than , who failed to probe Meghan and on their hyperbolic claims during their bombshell interview earlier this year.

Meghan has a podcast called Archetypes, which is about dissecting labels.

However, it's a little weird that the guests never spoke over each other.

As the interviewees, you'd think they'd try to get a word in edgeways through Meghan's babbling.


After labeling the show a candid conversation, it seems the conversation is actually happening without Meghan.

One of the podcast guests revealed in an Instagram post that she didn't actually speak to Meghan for the show.

This isn't the first time people have questioned whether Meghan actually speaks to her interviewees.

During an episode with Justin Trudeau's wife Sophie, it was clear that the conversation was recorded in separate studios.

The conversations don't flow, and the interviewee isn't answering the questions asked by Meghan.

It doesn't feel like Meghan and her guests are having the same conversation.

Even during parts of the Jameela Jamil podcast, it's obvious that Jamil isn't being interviewed.

She's reading from a script of answers to questions she was given.

There is almost no interaction between her and Meghan until Meghan steps in to narrate.

The women's reactions to things said don't match, as Meghan laughs at things Jamil finds fairly matter of fact.

It's clear that Meghan has gotten lazier and lazier about her podcast.

She's lost interest in it.

Even after leaving the British Royal Family, Meghan has found a new way to get paid for doing nothing.

It's admirable in a way, but the Royal Family would probably love it too.

has always taken the headlines at the perfect timing, snubbing or bullying someone, usually a member of the Royal Family.

Now, she has another chance to sit down and earn money with her Netflix documentary set to air within weeks.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reported to have tried to push it back to 2023, despite the streaming giant paying them a rumored $100 million for the Fly on the Wall series.

It's understandable that Meghan can be as lazy as she is in her podcast.

She can just give some stupid comments, take some photos, and get away with huge money.

However, Liz Garbus' documentary might unmask the couple, making Netflix and the media stricter with them.

They should be nothing more than clouds and rainbows to keep their job.

In the past, no one escaped being used by Harry and Meghan.

Now, the couple, who have no discernible talent, take the lazy way out by exploiting others.

Harry couldn't even write his own book, and Meghan can't interview live because she's incompetent.

It's clear that Meghan has lost interest in her podcast, and her laziness is becoming more apparent.

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