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Meghan Markle: The Thorn in Prince Harry’s Side

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle: The Thorn in Prince Harry’s Side

It was a joyous moment for when he introduced his new girlfriend, , to his mother's family, the Spencers.

However, things took an unexpected turn when his aunts and uncle, Sarah MacAucadale, Jane Fellows, and Charles Spencer, rejected Meghan as the right woman for him or the royal family.

Despite this, Harry remained besotted with Meghan and refused to let his family's negativity affect his relationship.

Fast forward a few years, and Harry may now regret not listening to his family's warnings.

He has transformed into the man Meghan wanted him to be – self-obsessed, needy, and driven by his rage at anyone criticizing them.

Marriage to someone of such high maintenance has taken its toll on him, causing a wider rift than the Grand Canyon.


According to Tom Bower's book, Revenge, was warned by his uncle, Earl Spencer, to reconsider his marriage to Meghan.

One story from the book suggests that Diana's brother was asked to speak to his nephew about his closeness with Meghan.

Harry assumed that Diana's family and friends would see a similarity between Diana and his fiancé, but no one agreed.

They thought Meghan would not fit in with the royal family, and their unease was voiced by Spencer.

At William's request, Spencer cautioned his nephew to reconsider his haste towards marriage.

His advice provoked a bitter reaction from Harry, who later reflected on how difficult it was to establish Meghan's place in the family.

Money was also a recurring concern for Harry, as he only received £1.5 million annually from Charles, and Meghan had been advised to continue acting to supplement their income.

It wasn't just Earl Spencer who expressed concern over Harry and Meghan's relationship.

Meghan's former talent agent, Gina Nelthorpe-Cown, told the actress that she wouldn't be able to make any more movies with her priority set to become a royal wife instead.

But Meghan wasn't impressed and demanded that Nelthorpe-Cown stop being negative.

Tom Bower also mentions in his book that Meghan knew which buttons to push when it came to Harry.

She demanded that he put out a statement and compare her to Diana.

Moreover, when Harry introduced her to the Spencer clan, he talked about how similar she was to his mother.

None of the Spencers could see it, and they attended the wedding to support him despite their concerns.

It's clear that Meghan has caused a rift between Harry and his family, and it's taking a toll on him.

He refuses to get over his mother's death, which is why he's acting out.

The longer this facade goes on, the worse it will be, and the Spencer family knows this.

It would break Diana's heart to see her beloved youngest son on a cycle of destruction, believing conspiracy theories about her death.

While William and Catherine offered their support, the Sussexes were never going to take them up on it.

The Cambridges are not stupid people, and they knew that it was Harry's life.

If he wanted to ruin it, that was on him.

Meghan, on the other hand, is not looking to stop her husband's tantrums.

In conclusion, may have been the thorn in Prince Harry's side.

His family warned him, but he refused to listen, and now he's paying the price.

The marriage may not survive for much longer, and it's heartbreaking to see the once-beloved prince on a path of destruction.

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