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Meghan Markle’s Alleged Con on Prince Harry: A Royal Nightmare Unfolds

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Alleged Con on Prince Harry: A Royal Nightmare Unfolds

A recent tabloid report claimed that had conned into marrying her years ago.

According to the report, Markle portrayed herself as coming from a perfect family with an equally perfect upbringing when she met .

However, it has since been revealed that Markle has a complicated relationship with almost everyone in her life.

An insider source claimed that the Duke of Sussex had no idea what he was getting into because he was smitten with Markle.

But now, Sussex's world is crumbling, and this is Meghan's worst nightmare.

The ivory tower she created for herself is collapsing with Meghan inside.


The source added that Markle's half-sister's lawsuit against her is the final nail in the coffin for their relationship.

After all, it details all the lies that she told Prince Harry and the royal family.

The lawsuit filed by Samantha, Markle's half-sister, infuriated her since Meghan went to private school and dance classes, and there are dozens of photos of the sisters spending time together.

Samantha wants Meghan's lies revealed in an under oath deposition.

That opens the door for Meghan to also be interrogated about the shocking accusations she made against the royal family.

The tabloid's source is convinced that the Duchess of Sussex won't get her way this time around.

After all, it's only a matter of time before she heads to court and is exposed as a liar.

She's apparently been trying to distort her own background to make it seem like she's living some modern Cinderella fairy tale, and it has backfired terribly.

Meghan has carefully crafted this victim narrative where Harry can feel like the hero who saved her, the source said.

Meanwhile, a body language expert has examined footage of the Sussex attending royal engagements in the past, and claimed that the couple have a lack of synchronization.

Having observed various clips of the Sussexes attending royal engagements, Jesus Enrique Rosas concluded that these interactions tell us many things, first confirming Meghan's dominant personality and attitude.

But also that they have a severe lack of synchronization between them.

When Harry finally decides to step forward and greet people or enter rooms where he has to sign books or do something expected from him, Meghan either interrupts or he requests her signal to proceed.

To support his theory, the body language expert referred to one royal engagement where the Sussexes were interacting with a group of people at an event.

First of all, you notice the difference in stance with their feet.

Meghan's feet are separated almost at shoulder width, which is a power stance, Jesus said.

At the same time, Harry has his ankles together, which is an insecure posture on a man.

Harry could then be seen to take a step forward when Meghan put her hand on his shoulder and moved forwards first.

Jesus claimed that this subtle gesture then influenced Harry to step aside and even perform a motion similar to a curtsy for Meghan.

Earlier on in the video, Jesus highlighted footage from a different royal engagement where Meghan could be seen entering the room first before Harry was pointed in the direction of a book that was awaiting his signature.

At the time, the body language expert suggested that Harry could be seen to be nervous while his wife directed him to the task at hand.

Harry has so many doubts, including that hand on his belly that he does all the time.

That is a defensive gesture, since he's covering his abdomen, and he even turns around to check on Meghan when the woman is gesturing, Jesus described.

Those are signals that Harry sometimes takes too much time to act, being really insecure and looking for, Meghan's, approval.

But the main detail is Meghan's gesture, that is not only extending her arm to him but actually touching him like he should move it.

The expert concluded that the couple's dynamic, with Meghan entering the room first, tells a lot about their personalities.

It confirms that Meghan is dominant, and Harry is insecure and looking for her approval.

With all the recent revelations, it seems that the fairy tale Meghan created for herself is coming to an end.

The source claimed that we expect Harry to return to Britain alone to beg forgiveness from the royal family.

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