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Meghan Markle’s Chat with Ellen DeGeneres is “Vomit-Inducing,” says Piers Morgan

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Chat with Ellen DeGeneres is “Vomit-Inducing,” says Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan, the former Good Morning Britain host, has launched a scathing attack on , calling her recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show “vomit-inducing.”

In his latest column, Morgan slammed the entire show as a “narcissistic cheese fest” where the two celebrities stroked each other's egos.

Morgan criticized the Duchess of Sussex for behaving like a “gormless desperate reality TV starlet” and described the collision between her and Ellen DeGeneres as “comically cringe-worthy.”

He focused particularly on the prank pulled by Meghan and Ellen on three street vendors, where Meghan carried out a series of orders made by Ellen via an earpiece.

The worst thing about Meghan's appearance on Ellen wasn't even the fact that she was going on the show at all, given the allegations against the host and some of her executives.

The worst thing came when Ellen made Meghan dance for her book-plugging supper by taking part in one of the most embarrassing stunts Morgan has ever seen a royal do on television.


During the prank, Meghan touched her elbow, nose, performed a squat, held a large crystal to her head as she moaned and groaned, and bounced up and down with excitement at seeing a hot sauce for sale.

She exclaimed, “Let mommy have a taste.

My boo loves hot sauce.”

In the final scene, Meghan put on a pair of kitten ears and burst into song, prancing around in her ears as she wailed, “I'm a kitten, mew mew mew.”

Morgan found the whole ordeal “soul-suckingly excruciating” and said it made him want to puke.

Morgan has been in an ongoing feud with Meghan, and he is well known for his regular attacks on her.

Just over a week ago, he tore into Meghan after she apologized to the Court of Appeal amid a grueling legal battle with a British newspaper.

Morgan wrote on Twitter that he still doesn't believe a word Meghan says and that the Sussexes should be stopped by the Queen from ruthlessly exploiting their royal titles for millions of dollars while trashing the royal family and monarchy.

It's not the first time Morgan has been critical of Meghan.

He stormed off the Good Morning Britain set during an explosive on-screen rant in which he blasted the Duchess as a liar.

He dismissed the legitimacy of Meghan's claims to Oprah that she suffered suicidal feelings and left the program as a result.

Meghan and Harry personally lodged a complaint against Morgan to ITV and Ofcom, but Ofcom later ruled that restricting Morgan's strong views would be an unwarranted and chilling restriction on freedom of expression.

Morgan's latest attack on Meghan has sparked outrage among her supporters, who have accused him of being unfair and biased.

However, his supporters argue that he is entitled to his opinion and that he is simply expressing what many people think but are afraid to say.

In conclusion, Piers Morgan's attack on 's appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show has caused quite a stir, with many people taking sides.

While some see Morgan's comments as unfair and biased, others believe he is simply expressing what many people think but are afraid to say.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, it's clear that the feud between Morgan and Meghan is far from over.

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