Royal Family News
Meghan Markle’s Uninvited Appearance at British Fashion Awards Sparks New Bullying Claims
Meghan Markle made a surprise appearance as a presenter at the British Fashion Awards in 2020, but it has come to light that she wasn't actually invited.
According to an anonymous source cited by MarkleNews1 on Instagram, new information has emerged about Meghan's alleged bullying behavior.
The post read, “She's a bully and like all bullies, she understands the power of intimidation, i.e.
bullying, and boy does she intimidate.”
The source went on to reveal that Meghan was not supposed to present the Women's Wear Designer of the Year award, which was originally intended for Rosamund Pike.
Just seconds before Pike was due to go on stage, she received an embarrassed tap on the shoulder and was informed that Meghan had arrived and would be presenting the award instead.
Meghan had apparently marched into the building on her own and informed the producer that she was going to present the award to her friend, Claire Waite Keller, Givenchy's artistic director, who had designed Meghan's wedding gown.
Pike showed remarkable professionalism by not making a scene over Meghan's rude behavior and bad manners.
She simply nodded and went on stage to announce that a special guest would be giving the award.
Meghan then pranced on stage and gave an embarrassing tribute to herself that nauseated everyone.
Pike had to stand back and say nothing, while the poor producer in the wings looked mortified.
Meghan even tried to bully Pike after the show by taking a rude selfie of the two of them and posting it on Instagram.
Pike had had enough at that point and told the director, who promptly removed the selfie from Instagram.
The producer could only use code language to make it clear that Meghan had not been invited.
The word “surprise” was used, which is often used to describe something unplanned, unscripted, and unwanted, particularly in Meghan's case.
Valentin Lowe broke the story that Meghan had been accused of bullying by former Kensington Palace Communications Secretary Jason Knopf in March 2021, just days before the Oprah Winfrey interview.
At the time, a spokesperson for Meghan described the account as a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation, while Prince Harry said he woke up to find Meghan crying into a pillow.
Lowe has since released a book, Courtiers, published by Headline Books on October 6th, which deals with the royal staff who work behind the scenes of what Prince Harry and Meghan termed the institution.
According to Lowe, the people who came to him wanted to tell their story before Oprah's interview aired.
They felt they had suffered while working for Meghan and wanted to make it clear that she was not the only victim.
While there is a valid argument that Meghan suffered during her time in the royal family, it is important to remember that others were also affected.
Lowe's book aims to provide a more balanced view of Meghan's behavior and the impact it had on those around her.
In conclusion, Meghan Markle's uninvited appearance at the British Fashion Awards has sparked new claims of bullying behavior.
While these claims are still unproven, it is clear that Meghan's behavior has caused upset and discomfort to those around her.
It is important to remember that there are always multiple sides to every story, and Valentin Lowe's book aims to shed light on the experiences of those who worked with Meghan behind the scenes.
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