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Netflix Demands More from Harry and Meghan: Sussexes Flounder

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Royal Family News

Netflix Demands More from Harry and Meghan: Sussexes Flounder

In a deal with the devil, Harry and Meghan signed up with Hollywood streaming giant, Netflix, to reveal all.

Now, the company is demanding its pound of flesh, leaving the Duke and Duchess of Sussex floundering.

At the moment they signed, it was a slim possibility, but with Netflix profits soaring thanks to lockdowns forcing people indoors around the world, perhaps they thought the boss would be satisfied with Harry's little documentary about the Invictus Games or Meghan's hyper-woke animated TV series.

But Netflix is under pressure to deliver non-woke content to encourage people to sign up.

As a result, the couple wants to make more edits to their hotly anticipated show, delaying its release until next year.

Knowing that the new king seems to be strategically delaying the decision of whether or not to make and prince and princess until he sees the damage that Meghan and Harry are planning to unleash with their US media projects, including the Netflix docuseries, doesn't bode well.


As a result, according to the New York Post, Meghan and Harry want to re-edit the show to take out or downplay much of what they have said about King Charles, Queen Consort , , and his wife, Catherine, the new Princess of Wales.

Naturally, this isn't making Netflix happy, as they have been patiently waiting for any content whatsoever to come from the couple for the best part of two years now.

After all, part of Netflix's success has been built on the back of exploiting Harry's family.

The fact that Netflix wanted to launch their Keeping Up with the Kardashians-style peep show after the latest series of The Crown in December indicates just how commercially ruthless this organization is.

They are engaged in a death match with rival streaming services like Disney plus Amazon Prime and HBO Max.

The next series of The Crown is going to be almost entirely centered on the painful marriage breakdown of Harry's own parents.

Diana's close friend, Jemima Khan, asked to have her credit for advising the producers removed when she began to realize that the whole storyline around the late princess was not necessarily going to be told as respectfully or compassionately as she had hoped.

This highlights how different William and Harry are when it comes to their mother's memory.

William has pretty much waged war with the BBC over what they've done with that Martin Bashir interview that he did with Diana.

But now Harry is working for a company that has made an hour of drama surrounding that particular exploitation of Diana.

The Crown is just the highest-profile example of how Netflix profits off of the personal lives of the royal family, but it's hardly the only one.

Their recent Diana the musical was really degrading and inaccurate, claiming that Diana used HIV patients for publicity and attacking Margaret Thatcher for her politics.

If a tabloid newspaper had made such a suggestion, Harry would have rushed out a harshly worded statement and gotten his lawyers busy.

But when it was his paymasters at Netflix behind the project, there was silence.

There are a few series available on Netflix that are not kind to the royal family, such as that brutal comedy called the Windsors, the documentary 's Wicked Stepmother, and also the series Royal Wives of Windsor.

It certainly isn't anywhere close to the holier-than-thou content that was promised by Meghan and Harry when they announced that they were Netflix employees back in late 2020.

At the time, the Sussexes said, “As new parents, making inspirational family programming is also important to us, as is powerful storytelling through a truthful and relatable lens.

We are pleased to work with Ted and the team at Netflix, whose unprecedented reach will help us share impactful content that unlocks action.”

The Netflix CEO, who is thought to have personally secured the deal for the company, added, “Harry and Meghan have inspired millions of people all around the world with their authenticity, optimism, and leadership.

We are incredibly proud they have chosen Netflix as their creative home and are excited about telling stories with them that can help build resilience and increase understanding for audiences everywhere.”

A lot has changed since then.

Harry and Meghan are now realizing that much of the interest in them from the American media and the people was just because of how close they were to the royal family.

But trying to maintain that closeness to the monarchy that is now run by King Charles while at the same time waging a very public media campaign against both him and his wife, , is going to be pretty much impossible.

Karma has stepped in when it comes to this moral dilemma facing Meghan and Harry.

They kept up with their highly damaging and mostly made-up Oprah interview, knowing that Prince Philip was dying in the hospital.

Then there was that thinly veiled threat issued by Meghan that she was going to reveal so many things about her time living in the UK during an interview with The Cut magazine just a few weeks before the late queen passed away.

Of course, that caused further stress for senior members of the royal family.

Charles needs to understand that even if they tone down or push back this garbage Netflix reality show, the damage is already done.

He needs to cut ties with Meghan and Harry.

The people figured out a long time ago that they are no longer an asset to the royal family.

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