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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Dubbed the Duke and Duchess of Netflix

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Dubbed the Duke and Duchess of Netflix

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and , have been given a new nickname, the Duke and Duchess of Netflix.

This was revealed by TV presenter Christo Fufos during an appearance on the To Die For Daily podcast with host Kinsey Schofield.

The discussion centered around the couple's lifestyle, with Fufos stating that they have reduced themselves to cheap reality stars.

“And that's what they are now.

They're the Duke and Duchess of Netflix,” he said.

The announcement of the Sussexes' docuseries caused quite a stir, with some even likening them to the Kardashians.


Given that the royals are known for their privacy, the decision to do a docuseries surprised many, especially since they had previously stated that they would not do a reality show.

However, the distinction between a reality show and a docuseries still confuses many.

According to an unnamed source who spoke with Life and Style magazine, doing a docuseries was not part of and Markle's plan.

However, they are short on content, and desperate times call for desperate measures.

When asked if there was a way back for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex into the royal fold, Fufos was unsure because, for him, it's a question of trust.

It has been reported that refused to meet with them due to concerns that any conversations they may have could end up in a podcast or in Harry's latest memoir.

This has raised questions about whether there is a way back for the couple, particularly in the eyes of their family, as there is a worry that their revelations will be monetized.

Everything they now do seems to be in pursuit of monetization.

Despite the show reportedly debuting on Netflix in early December, several sources have said that there are still many conflicts.

Reportedly, Netflix is playing hardball and will not edit it with their staff or in any way finance the editing of it.

This has been a real nightmare for them because, in addition to being work-shy, Meghan is a lunatic, and it was all they could do to put together the dopey piece of shit that they have.

Netflix could give it back to Harry and Meghan to have Archwell edit and reshoot to taste, but Archwell can't afford it, they just don't have the capital.

So Netflix is trying to decide if they're just going to keep what they have and go forward, but somehow Harry and Meghan have some say in that.

It's reported that lawyers are getting involved now on Netflix's end, and shit is getting ready to hit the fan.

The thing is that Netflix isn't their only problem; Harry's book is also a problem.

Penguin Random House is gearing up to pursue the matter if Harry insists on editing out inflammatory parts of the book.

Most recently, sources claimed that Netflix and the series filmmakers are confused after some of the comments that Harry made in his upcoming memoir contradict what he and Markle said on camera.

A lot in the show contradicted what Harry has written, so that was an issue, as a senior Netflix source reported.

Then Harry and Meghan made significant requests to the filmmakers to walk back content they themselves have provided for their own project.

Due to their deals, Royal Correspondent and commentator Neil Sean believed that Prince Harry and Markle wouldn't be welcomed back to the firm.

Sean said that the Sussexes thought they were invincible and allegedly thought the monarchy would not survive without them, but it did.

The firm is reportedly encouraging other members to step up instead of having the Sussexes back.

Harry and Meghan really felt that at some point they would have to return because they thinned down the monarchy, he continued.

But they've decided not to re-invite Harry and Meghan back, and it's other members of the British monarchy who are stepping forward and showing their mettle.

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