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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have been in the spotlight yet again, but this time for a lack of affection between the couple.

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have been in the spotlight yet again, but this time for a lack of affection between the couple.

A body language expert has pointed out the distinct absence of physical contact between them at the Queen's lying-in-state service, just days after they were criticized for inappropriate hand-holding.

The couple, who are usually seen with their fingers interlocked, kept their distance throughout the funeral service at Westminster Abbey on Monday.

Body language expert Catty Alloysall explained that the change in behaviour could have been a reaction to recent intense criticism over their public displays of affection.

“It was interesting to note the lack of affection and mutual touch between and Meghan,” she said.

The couple filed into the church behind , Princess Kate, Charlotte, and George, keeping a formal distance as they walked side by side.

Whilst most in the procession walked with arms by their side, a sombre Meghan kept her head bowed, eyes downcast and hands clasped in front, in a self-protective gesture indicating a level of discomfort or uncertainty, and perhaps as a sign of respect.


The couple maintained the rigid formal distance once they sat down, though they did slightly orientate their bodies toward each other and mimic each other's posture.

Catty also pointed out another unusual body language from the royals in attendance, noting the typically composed family showed signs of genuine sadness and distress.

and Harry both had compressed lips, furrowed brows, droopy eyelids and a noticeable increase in blinking and swallowing, indicating they were holding back tears.

Their father, King Charles, was also showing signs of distress.

He repeated pacifying and self-soothing gestures to get through the service, including stroking the top of his sword and rocking backwards and forwards.

Rocking is often seen in times of high psychological distress and is an effective way of reducing anxiety and tension, promoting a sense of calm through stimulation of the balance centre, Catty explained, noting the princes also rocked throughout the service.

It's noticeable that on the way out of the funeral, Harry and Meghan had a small argument.

They didn't say it out or yell at each other.

But their body language told us that they are fighting.

In a video that has gone viral on Twitter, when Harry is talking to a guest on the way out, Meghan approaches from behind and jumps into the conversation.

Harry was talking non-stop and was blocked immediately by his wife.

He did feel the heat and the disrespect from Meghan.

Then, the prince looks the other way and lets it go.

But when the couple enters the car, Harry exhales a deep breath.

That breath suggests many things about the relationship of the couple.

He would fight her at home, not in public and at the funeral of his grandmother.

It's unclear whether the couple often fights, but it's obvious that they are having trouble with their marriage.

This may have explained the stress that Harry put on Princess Royal Anne right before the funeral.

A photo shows that Harry was complaining about something to Anne.

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