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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s $25 Million Spotify Deal: A Closer Look

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s $25 Million Spotify Deal: A Closer Look

and have been making headlines again, and this time it's for their $25 million Spotify deal.

However, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been receiving a lot of criticism for their lack of content production and their recent actions.

Fox News talk show presenter Tucker Carlson did not hold back as he called out the couple for their lack of work.

“That annoying fake Duchess from LA and her brain-dead husband threatened to walk unless Spotify muzzled Joe Rogan.

But they're not going anywhere,” he said.

“These two grifters have a $25 million deal with Spotify for essentially no work.


So far, we believe they have produced just over 30 minutes of content.

That means these two have been paid about a million dollars for each minute of talking they've done.

That's a good gig.

It's too good to leave.”

The criticism didn't stop there.

The couple has also been labeled as pathetic and irrelevant after they hit out at COVID-19 misinformation that was being perpetuated by fellow podcaster Joe Rogan.

However, the couple has yet to produce the promised content that was supposed to tackle important issues.

Sources say that Harry and Meghan were informed that part of their lucrative deal had collapsed long before the rest of the world found out.

This raises questions over why the pair shoehorned a meeting with Harry's grandmother, the Queen, and 15 minutes with into a trip to the Netherlands for the Invictus Games last month.

At the time, reports circulated in the UK that Harry, 37, and Meghan, 40, had pleaded their case again to become part-time royals.

It was originally denied when they decamped to America in 2020 and announced they planned to become financially independent of the monarchy.

If they knew this Netflix shakeup was coming, they would have been in panic mode before they went to England, says a Palace source.

Their content deal with Netflix is the bulk of their income and a major reason they can afford their $20 million mansion in Montecito, not to mention the eye-watering property taxes that go with it.

, 73, remained reticent to give in to the couple's wish for a hybrid role, in which they'd earn money privately and use crown income.

He believes it would put the monarchy at risk of backlash over conflicts of interest.

Charles is still stinging over Harry's very public claim that he cut them off, which wasn't true, says a source.

To have them come back, cap in hand, was incredibly frustrating for Charles as future king and as a father.

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