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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Marriage: The Truth Behind the Rumours

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Marriage: The Truth Behind the Rumours

It has been four years since and tied the knot, but rumours of their separation have been circulating.

Royal biographer Lady C recently claimed that the couple had already agreed to separate and that discussions about a settlement were underway.

According to sources, Meghan and Harry have reached a settlement and are legally agreed upon certain matters.

Lady C described it as a “separation while they're still together.”

Lady C also suggested that Harry had come to the realization that Meghan was pushing him in a direction he did not wish to go in.

She added that it was a Machiavellian scheme to manoeuvre the royal family and lead them to believe that the Duke of Sussex now wants to separate from his wife.


Reportedly, they have done it through the English courts because they've come to an agreement which is in some ways a separation agreement while they're still supposedly together.

An anonymous Hollywood insider shared more information about the divorce, claiming that Harry has reportedly not been home in weeks and that separation litigation has been started.

The attorney is purportedly female.

Separation or not, Meghan allegedly believes that Harry's book will vindicate her to the public and make public perception completely shift, turning their fortunes around.

She thinks this book will fix their dire finances too.

During the funeral days, Harry went to his father for money, and that's when KC3 started Sparry's revelation that Meghan is a fraud by showing him some things that really shocked him.

People are saying Harry was especially disturbed by how Meghan deliberately tried to replicate things about his mother even before they met.

The final straw for Harry is said to have been when Netflix sat them down with the manuscript of Spare and the Croc-U series and specifically pointed out in an itemised fashion the incidences of Meghan completely and repeatedly contradicting herself.

However, senior royal biographer Angela Levin said she doesn't believe what Lady C said about the Sussexes.

Most of the royal fans also refused to believe that there was something wrong between them.

It's clear that there are conflicting stories about the state of Harry and Meghan's marriage.

While some sources claim that they have separated, others insist that they are still together.

Whatever the truth may be, it's evident that their relationship has been under a lot of strain.

The couple has faced intense scrutiny since they announced their engagement.

Meghan, in particular, has been subjected to racist and sexist attacks from the media and the public.

The couple's decision to step down as senior members of the royal family and move to the United States only intensified the scrutiny.

It's no secret that the couple's finances have been a source of concern.

They have signed lucrative deals with Netflix and Spotify, but reports suggest that they are still struggling financially.

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