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Prince Harry and Princess Anne: A Buried Hatchet or a Misunderstanding?

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry and Princess Anne: A Buried Hatchet or a Misunderstanding?

was spotted at King Charles' coronation, appearing to be beaming with joy and laughing with the Princess Royal.

However, some people believe that Princess Anne appears to have buried the hatchet with , while others suggested that Princess Anne was actually having a conversation with her daughter, Zara Tyndall.

Zara is looking straight at her mother, but the Princess Royal was not speaking to Harry.

Even the Princess' husband didn't want to make conversation.

Harry tried to greet Princess Anne with a joke, but his face became flustered and serious, and he looked down at the floor.

Then, when Princess Anne got to a seat in front and turned around to find her place, he once again tried to engage her but seemed to be totally ignored.


So he pretended everything was alright and forced a smile and tried to join in on a conversation some people were having.

According to body language expert Judy James, while waiting for King Charles to arrive at the coronation, Prince Harry allegedly made a bizarre gesture towards Princess Anne.

She tells the Mirror that the Duke of Sussex started staring at Anne who was sat in the row in front, making an unusual gesture.

His eye gaze fixed on his aunt, who was chatting in the seats in front, and then his head dropped down.

Judy's also explained how Harry looked happy when he arrived with his royal cousins.

Walking into the abbey in front of the pack, which also consisted of Beatrice's husband, Eduardo Mappalimosi, and Eugene's Jack Brooksbank, was Zara, daughter of Princess Anne, and a former rugby professional husband, Mike Tyndall.

Before entering the ceremony, eagle-eyed viewers from home saw Harry appear to mouth the word ”Hi” at his dear cousin Zara, who turned her back on the rest of the group to greet him.

Judy explained that chatting first to Eduardo, he then got the attention of Eugene and Jack, and we saw an incredible return of the Joker Prince, as Harry grinned and used two hands cupped widely under his stomach to do what looked like a mime of Eugene's heavily pregnant state.

After making the couple laugh, Harry fell back to walking alone.

Judy also explained that Harry was very confident when he walked into the coronation.

His striding walk looked jaunty as he pushed one side of his jacket away before making his way up the aisle, nodding, grinning, using eyebrow flash rituals, and chatting with people in the congregation, as though signalling to the world that he was upbeat and confident and happy to be back.

While walking in, Harry gave courteous greetings to some of the other guests, saying hello, morning, and nice to meet you to various people.

A lip reader has also claimed he said ”look at that” while noticing the grandeur of the occasion, and also said ”delightful”.

It's believed that seating arrangements had been one of the sticking points that had caused a delay in Harry responding as to whether he would attend the historic event.

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