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Prince Harry May Turn Down Meghan Markle’s US Plans to Support King Charles

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry May Turn Down Meghan Markle’s US Plans to Support King Charles

The Duke of Sussex, , is expected to have a change of heart after recently reconnecting with members of the Royal Family.

According to GB News presenter Stephen Dixon, Harry may turn down 's plans to stay in the US and return to support his father, King Charles, in the affairs of the monarchy.

Dixon believes that Harry will finally put his foot down and stop digging a hole for himself.

He said, “You do wonder because we've all done it, we have arguments and rows.

You dig a hole and you don't always stop digging.

And perhaps this has forced him to stop digging.”


Fellow news anchor Anne Diamond added, “Oh, I do hope so,” while Dixon continued, “And maybe that time with the family and maybe he's got to say to Meghan, ‘No, we're going to be over here.

We're going to try to make this work.'

Wouldn't that be interesting?

Wouldn't that be nice?”

Dixon also advised Harry to ditch the book, referring to the memoir that Harry is set to release next year.

Meanwhile, reports suggest that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been offered a half in, half out royalty deal that neither of them will be happy with.

According to a royal expert, the couple has been dealt a major blow after a royal family snub demonstrated that they have been left in the cold.

The royal couple was earlier invited to the state reception of the century at Buckingham Palace, but reports later suggested that the invite was sent in error.

Palace aides clarified that only working members of the royal family were able to attend the event.

When Harry and Meghan stepped back from senior royal duties in 2020, it was said they still hoped to keep their foot in the royal door, performing certain duties while cutting down on others.

In a statement, they said, “We intend to step back as senior members of the royal family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty the Queen.”

Commenting on the recent uninvitation, Telegraph associate editor Tomini said, “This shows that they may have a discretionary in when it comes to family occasions but where major events involving world leaders are concerned, they are well and truly out.”

She added, “Failing to feature among the 1,000-strong guest list for one of the biggest palace pow-wows in living memory, even though it is being hosted by Harry's father and stepmother, does rather drive home the reality that they remain very much on the outside looking in.”

Foreign policy analyst and former aide to Margaret Thatcher also said this sent a clear message to the Sussexes.

He wrote in a post on Twitter, “Harry and Meghan are realizing the monarchy still calls the shots.”

A source close to the Sussexes said the royal couple had done everything they could during the period following the death of the Queen.

They told the Telegraph, “They have done everything as best they could.

They have turned up, they have smiled, shaken hands, whatever was asked.”

, as a non-working royal, will also not be attending the palace event.

Like his uncle, has also been wearing civilian dress for most of the official events marking the life of the Queen.

He was stripped of his military titles after giving up life as a working royal and moving to the US.

However, the Duke has been granted special permission by the King to wear military uniform when attending a vigil at his grandmother's coffin.

A state funeral for Her Majesty will be held tomorrow, on September 19, which will also be a bank holiday.

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