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Prince Harry’s Upcoming Memoir: A Venomous Attack on the Royal Family?

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry’s Upcoming Memoir: A Venomous Attack on the Royal Family?

is set to release his memoir titled “Spare” next month.

The book is written by ghostwriter J.R. Moringa, but Harry is being touted as the author.

In anticipation of the book's release, Harry has lined up a softball interview with his friend, ITV journalist Tom Bradby.

Bradby is known for his sympathy towards the royal runaway, despite calling himself a journalist.

He met Harry when the latter was just a teenager.

This isn't the first time that Harry and his wife have made headlines.


Last month, Netflix dropped their docuseries, in which the couple made allegations against the royal family.

Some royal experts are predicting that the book will be even more venomous than the reality show.

Buckingham Palace is reportedly on edge waiting to see what accusations Harry will make this time.

He has been known to lob truth bombs at his family, with many of his assertions being shown to be false.

Instead of choosing a neutral journalist to interview him, Harry has chosen Bradby, who is a friend to him.

Bradby is infamous for asking Meghan how she was doing during a tour to South Africa.

Meghan used the opportunity to talk about herself, rather than the citizens of South Africa.

This interview caused a rift between Bradby and , who had previously been friendly with him.

Harry's conversation with William was aired by Gail King after the Oprah interview, leading to the cutting off of contact between the brothers.

The future king has made it clear over the years that he has no love for the media, but he deals with it.

After 's passing, the palace agreed to allow the Wales boys time to be ordinary school children and mourn their mother.

This agreement has been passed on to all royal children throughout the years.

We only see the Wales children on their first day of school, where there's one videographer and one photographer, not the 40 paparazzi outside the school gates every day like Meghan claimed in a cut interview.

It's no surprise that Tom Bradby will give Harry the time of day, given his history with the Sussexes.

However, outside of anti-monarchists, no journalist in the UK will give him and Meghan the time of day.

There is speculation that Bradby was paid an enormous sum of money to interview Harry for ITV.

This might explain why Charles chose the BBC over ITV to broadcast his Christmas speech.

At this point, it seems that Meghan is the one running the show.

It was speculated that Archwell or the Sussexes would be putting out their PR after the dumping of Sunshine Sachs, but given Bradby's involvement, they use people they've used before to make it appear that they still have allies.

In conclusion, 's upcoming memoir “Spare” is causing quite a stir in the royal family.

The book is expected to contain venomous attacks against the family, similar to the couple's Netflix docuseries.

Buckingham Palace is waiting with bated breath to see what accusations Harry will make this time.

Tom Bradby, a friend to Harry, has been chosen to conduct the interview.

It remains to be seen whether the book will live up to its hype or if it will be yet another attempt by the Sussexes to grab headlines.

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