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Queen Elizabeth II Overwhelmed with Emotion During Platinum Jubilee Finale

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Royal Family News

Queen Elizabeth II Overwhelmed with Emotion During Platinum Jubilee Finale

The Platinum Jubilee, which celebrated II's 70-year reign, will go down in history as a series of events that were filled with grandeur and emotion.

On June 5th, the 96-year-old monarch waved to an enormous crowd from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, marking one of the most moving moments of the celebration.

An insider has now revealed that the outpouring of thanks from the British public and the Commonwealth left her tearful and overwhelmed during the grand finale of the Jubilee celebrations.

During her visit, Her Majesty wore a bright green coat and hat, white gloves, and a layered pearl necklace.

Her arrival came as a surprise to many, as she had sat out many other Jubilee events due to her declining health.

It was thanks to a phone call from her son, , that she decided to make a last-minute appearance.


According to the Daily Mail, the Queen only decided to go to London about three hours before the balcony appearance.

The Queen travelled from Windsor to London and was astonished by the goodwill shown to her when she arrived.

The source said the Queen was totally overwhelmed by the number of people waiting to see her.

She had tears in her eyes before she stepped out on the balcony.

After agreement with the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cambridge, the Queen joined the rest of the Royal Family for a public appearance on the Palace balcony at the end of the four-day bank holiday for an iconic photo opportunity.

The image of the four generations of the Royal Family standing proud on the Buckingham Palace balcony with the three heirs to the Queen's throne around her was beamed across the world and is of particular significance as it may never happen again on such a high-profile occasion.

Inspired by the response from the public at home and abroad, the Queen issued a deeply personal message of thanks.

While the Queen may not have attended every event in person, her heart was with everyone, and she remains committed to serving to the best of her ability, supported by her family.

It is rare that the Queen has shown emotion in public, although she was seen discreetly wiping a wet tear during a ceremony to decommission her beloved Royal Yacht Britannia in December 1997.

The Queen will now embark upon a new phase in her reign.

Another source said that over time, the Queen will revert to becoming a more virtual Queen with digital appearances and video calls.

Rather than looking back on the Jubilee, a Royal source now says that the Queen is looking ahead.

Her Majesty is expected to spend a long summer break in Scotland, where Craigowan Lodge, a stone cottage on the Balmoral Estate, has been fitted out with mobility aids, including a stairlift.

Next week, the Queen will be looking forward to visiting the place where she feels she can truly relax.

The weekend before the Platinum Jubilee festivities, the Queen went up to Scotland with her bloodstock manager John Warren to see the foals born this year.

An insider told the Daily Mail, “After everything that's happened this year and the success of the Jubilee, I can't think that anyone would begrudge the 96-year-old Sovereign a well-deserved break.”

The Queen's appearance at the Platinum Jubilee was a testament to her unwavering commitment to her duties as the monarch.

Despite her declining health, she made an effort to attend the celebrations and show her appreciation for the support and love she has received from the public and the Commonwealth.

The Queen's reign has been characterized by grace, dignity, and devotion, and her Platinum Jubilee was a fitting tribute to her remarkable achievements.

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