Royal Family News
Queen Elizabeth II Summoned Prince Harry Over Dispute About Meghan Markle’s Tiara
Prince Harry was reportedly summoned by Queen Elizabeth II following a heated argument about Meghan Markle's demand for a tiara during her wedding.
According to Valentine Lowe, royal journalist for The Times, in his book “Courtiers: The Hidden Power,” the Queen promised to lend Meghan a tiara for the occasion, just like she did for Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding.
However, Meghan selected the Queen's Mary Diamond tiara to be worn behind the crown, which was unavailable, according to Angela Kelly, the late monarch's dresser.
Due to the fact that these jewels are kept under tight lock and key, Angela had to follow the process.
Prince Harry allegedly placed pressure on Kelly to breach the rules and used some rather fruity language when speaking to her, according to the author.
The prince had allegedly been downright nasty, according to the book, and Her Majesty had firmly put him in his place.
Meghan Markle's Demands and Ultimatums
After Harry informed the dresser what Meghan wants, Meghan gets, Valentine claimed that the Queen was quite unhappy.
When meeting Australians on tour, Meghan Markle reportedly complained, “I can't believe I'm not getting paid for this,” according to the book.
On a 2018 tour to Australia, it was said that the 41-year-old Duchess of Sussex complained.
The book asserts that when they first started dating, Meghan allegedly threatened to break up with Harry unless he declared their relationship.
The prince was freaked out by the ultimatum prior to the relationship's disclosure.
Valentine Lowe, The Times' royal journalist, writes in “Courtiers: The Hidden Power” that Harry grew determined to safeguard his lover.
In the meantime, Meghan warned him that she would end their relationship if he did nothing.
She threatened to break up with him unless he released a statement declaring that she was his girlfriend, a source claimed.
Meghan wanted public confirmation that this was a serious relationship, Lowe stated.
She was certain that the palace would not shield her from prying eyes.
She said, “I know how the palace operates,” to Harry's staff.
“I am aware of how things will turn out.
You don't give a damn about your girlfriend.”
In November 2017, the couple confirmed their engagement after making their romance public in October 2016.
Meghan's Complaints and Alleged Bullying
The book also alleges that during the couple's 2018 tour of Australia, Meghan complained that she should be paid for performing engagements.
According to author Lowe, she was feted as an inspirational role model that October.
But he adds, “It was a different story behind the scenes.”
Meghan appreciated the attention, but she didn't understand the purpose of all those walkabouts where she shook hands with so many random people.
She was overheard saying at least once, “I can't believe I'm not getting paid for this,” according to several staff employees.
The book explores claims that the Duchess harassed royal workers before she and Harry left the UK for the US and Canada in 2020.
Meghan allegedly told one of Harry's advisors more than six months before the engagement, “I think we both know I'm going to be one of your bosses shortly.”
After the engagement was revealed in late 2017, a senior assistant told the couple that staff members were unhappy with how they were treated.
The book asserts it's not my responsibility to comfort folks, Meghan retorted.
Also charged in the book is the Duchess of speaking very aggressively to a young female.
According to the book, after Meghan had ripped a plan she had created to pieces, the woman warned Meghan how difficult it would be to implement a new one.
The employee allegedly started crying when William learned about the treatment and told her she was doing a great job.
The book, which will be published the following month, explores claims that the Duchess harassed royal workers before she and Harry left the UK for the US and Canada in 2020.
Tau Abti, Meghan's personal assistant, is believed to have resigned over conflicts centered on the complimentary gifts that some businesses would send Meghan.
According to Lowe's book, even Samantha Cohen, Meghan's seasoned personal secretary, felt bullied by many of her junior and senior aides.
It quotes a member of staff who wished to resign due to Meghan and Harry's outrageous bullying.
The Australia tour allegedly reportedly treated the staff horribly.
In conclusion, Valentine Lowe's book “Courtiers: The Hidden Power” sheds light on the behind-the-scenes drama of the royal family.
It highlights the tension between Prince Harry, Queen Elizabeth II, and Meghan Markle, as well as Meghan's demands and alleged bullying.
The book provides a glimpse into the hidden power struggles within the palace walls.
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