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South Park Episode Roasts Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Over Megxit

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Royal Family News

South Park Episode Roasts Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Over Megxit

A recent episode of the popular adult cartoon South Park has caused quite a stir, as it took aim at and 's decision to step back from their royal duties in a satirical way.

Titled “The Worldwide Privacy Tour,” the episode features characters that bear a striking resemblance to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who have been at the center of controversy since their move to America.

In the episode, the Prince and Princess of Canada are seen requesting privacy while simultaneously drawing attention to themselves, a clear reference to Harry and Meghan's non-stop media appearances.

The characters then embark on a worldwide privacy tour, holding signs that read “we want our privacy” and “stop looking at us,” which is an obvious dig at the couple.

The episode also includes scenes where the characters attend a funeral for the Queen of Canada and are booed by other royals for their attitude towards the monarchy.

One character even farts on the Princess of Canada's face, adding to the overall raucousness of the show.


Despite the episode being a hit with fans, allegedly tried to get it banned before it aired.

According to sources, Harry desperately tried calling the producers of South Park in an attempt to have the show blocked, but they refused to take his call.

This move has exposed the Prince's hypocrisy, as he only seems to care about his own free speech and not anyone else's.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams believes that the roasting was well-deserved, given the couple's behavior towards the royal family.

“If you want to see pretty cruel and often hilarious humor, you'll see them on South Park behaving in weird ways,” he said.

“They roasted the royals.

It's perfectly obvious because of their behavior, they deserve it.”

Fitzwilliams also believes that the constant media appearances and public attacks on the royal family have cost Harry and Meghan some of their popularity.

“If you do that to the world enough, the world takes notice and the world will think less of you,” he added.

Later in the episode, the couple moves to South Park in their quest for a normal life, but they end up infuriating locals, including their new neighbor Kyle.

He complains about the huge jet parked in front of his house and the couple's constant attempts to sell their books.

The episode also takes a dig at Meghan's political ambitions, with one character calling her a sorority girl and influencer.

While the episode may have been funny to some, it has also raised concerns about the couple's behavior and their impact on the royal family's reputation.

It remains to be seen how Harry and Meghan will respond to the episode, but it's clear that they will need to tread carefully if they want to maintain their public image.

In conclusion, the South Park episode has once again highlighted the ongoing controversy surrounding Prince Harry and 's decision to step back from their royal duties.

While the show may have been a hit with fans, it has also exposed the couple's hypocrisy and raised questions about their behavior towards the royal family.

As they continue to navigate their new lives in America, Harry and Meghan will need to be careful about how they present themselves to the public if they want to maintain their popularity and credibility.

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