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Sussex Faces Backlash in the US: Leading Republican Criticizes Harry and Meghan for Hypocrisy

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Royal Family News

Sussex Faces Backlash in the US: Leading Republican Criticizes Harry and Meghan for Hypocrisy

and 's recent three-day trip to New York has sparked a backlash in America, with one leading Republican figure mocking the wealthy couple.

Mike Huckabee, a Fox News contributor and former Arkansas governor, joked that the speech from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex got right to his heart.

He sarcastically pointed out that nothing says “common man” quite like seeing Harry and Meghan wearing a $7,500 outfit and $30,000 worth of jewelry, telling people about inequity in the world.

Huckabee quipped, “If they believe there is that much inequity, they have the capacity to write a much bigger check than you or me, or anyone on Fox News this morning.”

This criticism comes after an expert predicted that Harry would be under intense pressure to name the royal he accused of racism to justify the fee paid for his biography.

The Duke of Sussex was paid a £15 million advance for a series of books, and his publishers will want a lot for their money, according to author Penny Junor.


She suspects the biography will contain more damaging accusations from Harry, including details of his parents' marriage breakdown.

Junor warned that this could be incredibly damaging for his father and his wife , who are set to become king and queen.

Harry is working with a ghostwriter on the book, but royal insiders were surprised by reports that he had been contacting friends of Diana's as part of his research.

Fans feared he could paint Charles and as the villains in the book.

Harry and Meghan previously refused to reveal the name of the person who asked questions about their son 's skin color, saying that it would be too damaging for them.

Since moving to California last year, the Sussexes have embraced their celebrity status with interviews on US television.

They have sought to discuss issues like racial justice and mental health with the charity foundation Archewell.

During their trip to New York, the pair visited Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan to pay their respects to those who died in the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Meghan also visited a primary school in Harlem to promote children's literacy and read her new children's book, The Bench, to the class.

Despite their efforts to promote worthy causes, some Americans are not convinced of Harry and Meghan's sincerity.

Daily Mirror oil editor Russell Myers said that he was interested in what traction the couple's visit got in the States.

He noted that there is an audience for them, but he doesn't know if they are as adored in the United States as they were first thought to be.

The criticism of Harry and Meghan's hypocrisy is not limited to America.

In the UK, many people are skeptical of the couple's claims and motives.

They have been accused of using their royal status to further their own interests and ambitions.

Some believe that they have betrayed the royal family and damaged its reputation.

Others see them as courageous trailblazers who are challenging outdated traditions and prejudices.

Whatever one's opinion of Harry and Meghan, it is clear that they are not afraid to speak their minds and take action on issues that matter to them.

Whether they are genuine champions of social justice or opportunistic celebrities seeking attention and profit, they have certainly made an impact on the world stage.

As they continue to navigate their roles as public figures and private individuals, it remains to be seen how they will be remembered by history.

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