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Prince Harry Expresses Happiness for Brother and Sister-in-Law’s Third Baby

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry Expresses Happiness for Brother and Sister-in-Law’s Third Baby

, 32, was in Manchester yesterday for a series of official engagements.

During his visit, reporters asked him about the latest news regarding his brother, , 35, and the Duchess of Cambridge, , 35, having their third child.

Harry responded by saying, “It's fantastic.”

He added that he was “very, very happy” for his brother and sister-in-law.

However, some are wondering if his body language gave anything away about wanting children of his own.

Body language expert Darren Stanton analyzed Harry's body language during his response.


According to Stanton, after getting out of the Range Rover, Harry appeared to have a brief interaction with someone and immediately looked frustrated.

He placed both hands into an open palm gesture, which generally signifies disappointment or frustration.

When he made his way towards the camera and was asked about Kate and whether he was happy for them, there was still quite a lot of frustration apparent.

However, when Harry was asked about Kate and William, he fell into a typical royal default position when confronted by the media.

He immediately said he was “very happy” and smiled.

Stanton noted that it was not a smile of genuine joy or happiness but rather a smile for social nicety's sake and not to appear rude.

was last seen opening up about having kids during an ABC News interview early last year.

He spoke about his mother, , and what drives him crazy.

When asked if he wants children of his own, he said, “I can't wait for the day.”

However, with engagement rumors rising between “Suits” star Meghan, 36, and Harry, does the young prince actually want to follow in his brother's footsteps and have his own kids, or did his body language display otherwise?

Body language expert Judy James, author of the Body Language Bible, believes that Harry is not only the prince intent on continuing his mother's legacy in a very visual way but also displays strong signs of still being that small boy in need of hugs himself after his own maternal care and support system was snatched away.

This dual role of support and affection giver and eternal child still in need of parental hugs throws up some contradictory body language signals when he talks about having children himself.

Upon analyzing Prince Harry's body language in these situations, Darren does not believe Harry is ready to settle down at present.

He appears very uncomfortable when asked about those personal aspects of his life, and he is clearly happy for his brother, but he thinks that is probably not for him right now.

It remains to be seen whether Prince Harry will follow in his brother's footsteps and have his own children, but for now, he seems content to enjoy being an uncle.

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