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Prince Harry Suggested Mediator to Solve Rift with Royal Family, Book Claims

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry Suggested Mediator to Solve Rift with Royal Family, Book Claims

A new book titled “The New Royals” by journalist Katie Nicol has shed light on the deepening division between and and the rest of the royal family.

The book claims that suggested bringing in a mediator to solve his rift with the family, causing to splutter over her tea.

According to an unnamed family friend quoted in the book, the Duke of Sussex met with his father in the spring of this year and wanted to clear the air, but the awkward meeting left relations strained.

This was after the Duke and Duchess did not attend the Duke of Edinburgh's memorial service at Westminster Abbey in March amid a reported dispute over their UK security arrangements.

However, there was a glimmer of hope when the couple stopped off in the UK before a visit to The Hague for an Invictus Games event a few weeks later.

But, and wife Kate felt relief when Harry and Meghan announced their decision to move to the US, as they felt that the drama was gone.


William is also reported to have held a summit of aides, which came to be known as the Anmer Summit after the couple's Norfolk home, to discuss the royal family's future in the wake of his move to the States.

In an extract of the book published in Vanity Fair, Nicol said King Charles, who was then Prince of Wales, insisted on a meeting with Harry over tea before he had an audience with the Queen.

The meeting with Charles and was more awkward than their cordial tea with the Queen, Nicol wrote, adding that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were late to the meeting which left Charles with just 15 minutes to catch up with his youngest son and daughter-in-law before he had to attend the Royal Maundy service at Windsor Castle where he stood in for the Queen.

The family friend said, “Harry actually suggested that they use a mediator to try and sort things out, which had Charles somewhat bemused and Camilla spluttering into her tea.

They added the Queen consort told the Duke his suggestion was ridiculous and that they would resolve their differences within the family.”

Nicol's book also claimed the Queen was left hurt and exhausted by Harry and Meghan's decision to step down as senior members of the Royal Family and move to the US.

A source close to Her Late Majesty claimed she didn't like to think about the Duke and Duchess's decision to leave the family, and also revealed the Queen was disappointed when Harry and Meghan didn't return to the UK in August with and , where she was hosting an annual sleepover in Sandringham with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The source told the author, “The Queen was very hurt and told me, ‘I don't know, I don't care, and I don't want to think about it anymore.'

The source added it was of more regret to Her Late Majesty that the Sussexes' move meant she did not have the opportunity to see as much of and as she'd have liked.

Royal fans have reacted strongly to the news, with many expressing their opinions in comments and shares.

One comment said, “If anything were to bring the fractured family together then nothing could be more or bigger than the great loss of a beloved mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother, not to mention she is the nation's adopted queen.

But the problem is Harry, I see glimpses of sorry on his face but overall I see anger and resentment, I don't see love.

If you look at his history so far for the most he has always been rebellious except when it was contained during his military career.

Until he rids himself of the fact he was born number two so therefore must follow through no fault of William he will always be both angry and envious.

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