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Prince Harry’s Cruelty Towards His Father Knows No Bounds, Says Royal Biographer

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry’s Cruelty Towards His Father Knows No Bounds, Says Royal Biographer

Amid the news that Meghan and Harry have been invited to King Charles's coronation, Royal expert Angela Levin has criticized for his behavior towards his father.

Speaking with Dan Wootten on GB News, Miss Levin stated that Harry's cruelty towards his father knows no bounds.

According to Miss Levin, believes he knows better than anyone else and thinks he can fix the Royal family because it is so outdated.

She added that if Prince Harry came out with a second book full of moaning and secrets, it would be too shocking for words.

Miss Levin also expressed her desire for the Royal family to tell the Sussexes they could not attend the event.

However, was not spared from criticism either.


Miss Levin claimed that the Duchess wanted to be a Royal rebel, citing an extract from Meghan's blog, The Tig, from her pre-Royal days.

“To me, that sounds like someone who came here determined to mess things up,” Miss Levin said.

The news of the invitation to King Charles's coronation has led to increased speculation over whether or not the couple will attend the event.

Some have noted that the date of the coronation, May 6, is also 's fourth birthday, leading to speculation that Meghan may stay home with her son while Harry attends alone.

The coronation has a 2,000 strong guest list made up of Royals, both foreign and domestic, dignitaries, and world leaders.

Although King Charles became monarch as soon as his mother, II, died, the ceremony formalizes the change in his titles and powers, as well as his position as the head of the Church of England.

Miss Levin's comments come as Prince Harry and continue to make headlines for their controversial actions and statements.

While some applaud their efforts to modernize the Royal family, others criticize them for their behavior and perceived disrespect towards the institution.

It remains to be seen whether or not the Sussexes will attend King Charles's coronation, but one thing is clear: their actions and statements continue to generate controversy and discussion among Royals watchers and the public alike.

What do you think about this news?

Do you believe that Harry is using King Charles' kindness against his father?

Do you think that Meghan is planning something cruel behind the curtain in the coronation?

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