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Lady Colin Campbell Exposes Meghan Markle’s True Face to the Royal Family

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Royal Family News

Lady Colin Campbell Exposes Meghan Markle’s True Face to the Royal Family

Lady Colin Campbell has caused a stir among GB News viewers with her recent comments about and 's appearance at the Queen's Jubilee celebrations.

Lady C joined Dan Wooten on his GB News show on Monday and ripped into the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who she dubbed as third-tier royals.

The royal couple had flown in from their California home to join the monarch to take part in the Jubilee celebrations.

Broadcaster Dan and guest Lady C gave their verdict on the senior royals, claiming they were given the cold shoulder while in the UK.

However, viewers were not impressed with Lady C's comments.

According to Lady C, Harry and Meghan are a “busted flush.”


She believes that they are worried their brand has been irretrievably damaged by the fact that the whole world knows that they are not only third-tier royals, but also reviled by the British people.

The royal duo were only seen at one of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee events and were spotted at a window shushing the Tyndall children during Trooping the Colour.

Lady C ended her rant with, “We don't need Harry and Meghan.

It's obvious that the country doesn't need them, the monarchy doesn't need them, the royal family doesn't need them, nobody needs them.

The British people have made their feelings very clear.

Harry and Meghan are passé.

Let's see what happens from here on in.”

Lady C's comments have unmasked Meghan's true face to the royal family.

Her words have exposed the fact that Meghan and Harry are not as important as they think they are.

They need the monarchy more than the monarchy needs them.

The British people have spoken, and it is clear that they do not want Harry and Meghan around.

Lady C's comments have also highlighted the fact that Meghan's brand has been damaged beyond repair, and she is no longer the darling of the media.

In other news, 's dreams of a career in US politics may be short-lived.

According to royal commentator Richard Palmer, Meghan is too thin-skinned to consider a career in politics.

He questioned how Ms Markle would handle the attention as some people would quite like to see the Duchess of Sussex get involved in politics in the US.

Palmer said that given how badly she dealt with the pressures of being in the royal family, it beggars belief that she could handle the attention that comes with being a politician.

Palmer told the Express Royal Roundup, “Talking of politics, that's really set readers off, hasn't it, the speculation that Meghan would like a career in US politics.

And I think there was some polling showing that some people would quite like that.

I just can't see it.

I mean, I think obviously it doesn't go with being a duchess.

She would have to give that up.

And I just think they are so thin-skinned, I mean they handle the attention that comes with being a member of the royal family so badly that I just don't see how she could handle being a politician.”

Meghan has never publicly expressed a desire to run for office, but she has a history of political activity.

She reportedly showed an interest in politics as early as her university days.

Meghan graduated from the prestigious Northwestern University in Illinois with a double major bachelor's degree in theatre and international studies.

She famously completed an internship at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during her college years.

When she joined the royal family, the Queen afforded her the role of Vice Chairman of the Commonwealth Foundation.

Royal author Tina Brown claimed that given Meghan said she had a huge desire to do some global, humanitarian work, she thought the role would have suited the former actress perfectly.

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