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Harry and Meghan’s Divorce Rumors Shock Fans

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Royal Family News

Harry and Meghan’s Divorce Rumors Shock Fans

Rumors are circulating that and are going to divorce.

The news has left many fans heartbroken, as the couple has been in the public eye since their wedding in May 2018.

According to the American gossip media National Enquirer, Harry and Meghan have agreed to end their marriage.

The report suggested that Meghan's conflict with the British Royal Family was a contributing factor to the split.

She had negative emotions and was unwilling to accept assistance from members of the Royal Family.

This led to Harry feeling deceived and making himself unflattering inside and out.


The couple had left the British Royal Family in 2020 and moved to Los Angeles.

However, their relationship has changed recently, and they have decided to break up.

Harry has decided to return to the UK, leaving Meghan behind.

Royal author Tina Brown has discussed Harry and Meghan's return to the UK for the Platinum Jubilee celebration.

She believes it was an awkward experience for the couple.

Brown suggested that Harry may have had a slight fantasy that he could be both in and out of the Royal Family.

However, his departure from royal life is not what he wanted.

Speaking about their return to the UK on ITV's Lorraine, Ms. Brown said, “It was great that they were able to introduce to the Queen.

I'm sure that everyone wanted that to happen.

But it clearly was uncomfortable that they were there but not really present.”

Presenter Lorraine Kelly asked Ms. Brown whether there is any way back for Harry.

She added, “I mean, I don't know if he even wants it, but I wonder what was going through his mind when he was sitting there with the cousins out of the way and he wasn't on the balcony and he wasn't part of it at all, having been used to being right in the middle of everything.”

Ms. Brown responded, “I don't think it's what he wanted in terms of the way he played out.

I think there was a slight fantasy that he had that he can be in and out.

But you can't pick and choose, and you can't be in and out.

He served his country for 10 years, he was always in the middle of all that, and I think it must have been, for him, quite poignant and difficult.”

In related news, Princess Anne reportedly saw straight through just like the late Prince Philip did.

According to Real Housewives of Cheshire's Deborah Davis, Meghan left the late Prince Philip enraged after she and announced on Instagram that they were stepping down as senior working royals.

Prince Philip was reportedly spitting blood when his nearest estates had told him the controversial news in the run-up to Christmas 2019.

Now, TV psychic Deborah Davis claims his daughter, Princess Anne, also saw through Meghan after she married into the royal family.

Debbie claims the Princess Royal doesn't need to speak.

“Princess Anne is fabulous; she just gives everything that she thinks away on her face,” she said before adding, “She doesn't need to say anything; you can see it in her eyes.

You take one look at her, and you can see what she's thinking; she's totally transparent.”

The star continued, “Princess Anne is just like her dad was, Prince Philip could see straight through Meghan Markle.

He could see her for what she is, and so could I.

On their wedding day, I just sat there shaking my head.

I was stood there saying this is a complete and utter disaster waiting to happen.

She has balls of steel; she can sit on that sofa with Oprah and say everything she's said about the royal family then arrive in this country to take part in the jubilee celebrations, that's some brass neck that is.”

The news of Harry and Meghan's divorce has shocked fans worldwide.

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