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Megan and Harry’s Relationship Takes a New Turn Amidst Lawsuit with Samantha Markle

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Royal Family News

Megan and Harry’s Relationship Takes a New Turn Amidst Lawsuit with Samantha Markle

Rumors have been circulating that Megan and Harry are facing more severe relationship issues than ever before.

According to secondhand coke on Reddit, the couple's recent failures, pressing money problems, homesickness, and alleged turbulent fights are taking a toll on their relationship.

However, the new thing that is driving a bigger wedge between the couple is the lawsuit with Samantha Markle.

The discussions with Sam are going back and forth through legal counsel, and Harry allegedly sees some of Meg's lies and wants her to stop lying and work it out and settle this.

But Megan's response is to accuse him of not being supportive.

Due to all of this, Harry is reportedly more depressed than ever, and the relationship is taking a real turn that is different from previous low points.


Royal fans can't help but think that Megan married Harry only to get the royal title.

Benjamin Smallbrook and Cora suggest that she was aware she'd missed the boat regarding her acting ambitions in Hollywood.

She saw Harry as a gullible fool who could be manipulated without too much difficulty.

But to do this, she had to build a bridge between Harry and his family.

It is believed that Megan was surprised at how easy it was for her to construct this bridge.

Harry fell for her womanly charms, as Prince Philip told people at a mansion house event in London.

He said, “We all know what she trapped him with.

The half-wit didn't stand a chance.

She looked for the Holy Grail and planned to marry the village idiot of the royal family.

It would open doors to the powerful movie studios.

She believed that by becoming a member of the royal family should be eagerly pursued by Hollywood's movie moguls.

Sadly for her, the Queen wasn't impressed.”

Markle wanted to use a royal connection to build a career in Tinseltown.

The Queen told her, “You can't be half in and half out.”

What Prince Philip said of her plans is unreported and probably unprintable.

tried to salvage the situation by offering her majesty the opportunity to secure her services to modernize the royal family and introduce Hollywood glitz.

It's unknown whether she wanted paying for doing this.

When they became engaged, Harry announced that Meghan now has the family she never had.

However, at the time, Harry had no idea that he was bringing her into a family she wanted to destroy.

Royal author Tom Bauer weighed in with a rant against Meghan's schemes.

He suggested that Meghan was just after money and status.

He said, “That's exactly why she left because she never wanted to stay.

Really, she wanted the label.

She wanted the title.

She wanted the money.

She didn't get so much money, but she did get the status, and now she's set on building herself up in America.”

It's not the first time that Bauer has accused Meghan of having ulterior motives for marrying .

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