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Princess Anne Joins King Charles for Queen’s Vigil

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Royal Family News

Princess Anne Joins King Charles for Queen’s Vigil

As Operation Unicorn continues in the wake of the Queen's death, King Charles III, Princess Anne, , and Prince Edward have gathered together to conduct the vigil of the princes around their mother, Her Majesty the Queen's coffin in St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The four siblings joined the royal company of archers who were tasked with guarding the Queen's casket during its time in the cathedral for about 10 minutes as members of the public paid their respects.

Making royal history, Princess Anne became the first female royal to join the vigil in an elegant fashion and bowed her head and fell into what might be her very last deep curtsy for her mother.

The gesture was made even more poignant by the fact it mirrored exactly how II greeted 's coffin during her funeral in 1997, where she bowed her head as a sign of respect.

It was incredibly emotional to see Anne and Sophie Wessex curtsying as they saw the late Queen's coffin being carried into the Edinburgh Palace.

The Countess later consoled the Princess Royal by rubbing her back.


Royal fans on Twitter were quick to praise the Countess for her thoughtfulness, with one user saying, “How thoughtful of the Countess to do that.

Princess Anne needs a lot of comfort.”

Similarly, another user added, “A nice touch from Sophie to Anne, that will mean a lot at this time, togetherness and support for each other.”

Atrich7 commented, “Princess Royal is known to be rather stoic, it shows how much she's feeling the sadness and respect for her to curtsy so deeply and wonderful that the Countess of Wessex reaches out to comfort her.”

Harry will not be allowed to wear military uniform at the Queen's final vigil, however Princess Anne can wear military uniforms at five ceremonial events.

Royal sources said that Harry and William may walk side by side at 's funeral.

“We're certainly not in the same place as Philip's funeral when William and Harry didn't walk side by side,” an insider revealed.

“Things haven't changed but it's not as intense and they can coexist.

But the flower visit really doesn't change anything.

It's the same situation as at Prince Philip's funeral when William and Harry put their differences aside and supported each other and their families in that moment,” they noted.

Meghan to Harry, “Head for the Kids, Make This Funeral All About Us”

In related news, it has been reported that advised to focus on their family during the funeral and to “make this funeral all about us.”

The couple has been under scrutiny since their explosive interview with where they aired their grievances against the royal family.

Now that Charles is king, things might look different going forward.

“Charles wants to fix the Harry and Meghan problem.

The only way he's going to stop them being a problem is to give in to them, which it looks like he's going to do,” a source told.

“Charles' opinion is it's better to have them inside the royal tent rather than outside the tent.

This is the new king's decision and his alone.

He's not consulted William or Catherine,” the insider shared.

Most people in the family and the palace would not do this, but Charles wants to prove he's his own man.

He doesn't see this as giving in to Harry and Meghan, but rather giving his reign a chance.

“Harry and Meghan would be a great asset overseas for him.

He needs to stop them destroying the monarchy.

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