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Harry and Meghan Criticized by James Corden and Lady Anne Glenconnor

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Royal Family News

Harry and Meghan Criticized by James Corden and Lady Anne Glenconnor

It seems that the Hollywood bus tour was a one-time event, as James Corden took a massive swipe at both Harry and Meghan on his late-night show.

Corden criticized Meghan's constant need to wear camel and even poked fun at Harry's frequent references to his deceased mother, and how much his wife supposedly resembles her.

Corden also took a potshot at the illusion that the camel jackets give, suggesting that the wearers believe they are better than everyone else.

Meghan has worn camel several times, including in New York, where they recently visited the UN.

The couple believed they could walk into the UN with an apparent appointment and just shine, implying that they could do whatever they wanted because of their royal titles and not get punished.

Corden may have referenced the rumor that they were kicked out of the UN building for wearing wires.


Harry appeared to be sporting a secret mic during his visit with to an iconic Harlem soul food joint, indicating that the couple may have been recording their New York tour back in 2021.

A telltale wire was spotted poking out from underneath the prince's shirt and trailing into his chino pocket as he leaned forward to hug Melbourne restaurant owner Melba Wilson that afternoon.

Other photos taken of the couple's first outing suggest that Harry was wearing a wire.

Meghan, on the other hand, has sported unusually heavy long coats for all of their engagements.

People believe that Harry and Meghan were escorted out of the UN because they were wearing audio equipment.

There are signs everywhere in the UN stating that no photography or recording devices are allowed.

It's not rocket science to read and follow basic rules, especially for someone with a BA degree from North Western and a husband who is a former army captain.

Meghan is an American, so she also would have known this rule.

Now, everyone seems fed up with Harry and Meghan, as a royal insider slammed the latest generation of the clan as complainers and whiners.

Lady Anne Glenconnor, intimately connected to the monarchy, was a lifelong friend of and Lady Anne waiting to Princess Margaret.

In a recent interview, she held nothing back about her contempt for disloyal royals.

Her comments come on the heels of 's tunnel memoir Spare.

Glenconnor, whose book Whatever Next?

Lessons from an Unexpected Life debuted this week, told People that Spare Princess Margaret never betrayed her sister in the air, .

Glenconnor said, “I knew Princess Margaret very well, and of course, she was a spare for quite a long time, but she was always completely loyal to the Queen.”

According to Glenconnor, the only thing she ever heard her complain about was that she wished she'd been better educated.

The Queen had people from Oxford and Cambridge universities and Eton College to tutor her, whereas Margaret was left with the governess.

But that was the only thing she ever said; there was no whinging or complaining.

Glenconnor punctuated her assertion with the current crop of royal whiners by saying, “When I was talking about the young, that's what they do now, they seem to complain and whinge.

My generation lived through the war and had a really awful childhood.

My parents were away for three years, I didn't see them.

My father was fighting in El Alamein in Egypt, and my uncle was killed, so when we came out of it, we just felt so lucky to be alive.

There's so much to enjoy in this world.

I hate banging on about my generation, but we're quite different.”

In conclusion, James Corden and Lady Anne Glenconnor have criticized Harry and Meghan for their behavior.

The couple seems to be making waves everywhere they go, and it appears that the public is growing tired of their antics.

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