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Prince Harry has become the target of ridicule after revealing intimate details about his frostbitten p-nis in his memoir and on US television.

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Royal Family News

Prince Harry has become the target of ridicule after revealing intimate details about his frostbitten p-nis in his memoir and on US television.

The Duke was mocked by A-list talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, who unveiled a rhyming children's book about the chilly incident on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

The book, titled The Prince and the p-nis, caused uproars of laughter from the audience.

Kimmel began the segment by introducing the book and reciting a few lines from it, causing the audience to erupt in laughter.

The book tells the story of a silly young codger who takes a walk in the snow at the North Pole and freezes his wee todger.

When Harry peered down, it was a terrible fright.

Kimmel continued to read, “Oh mummy, oh mummy, he cried with a scream and from then on up high she appeared with some cream.


My poor little prince put this cream on your willy, it will lessen the ache and make it less chilly.”

Kimmel's parody book also refers to Elizabeth Arden cream, which Diana used for her lips and spare.

said he put this cream on his borderline traumatised p-nis.

“I'd been trying some home remedies, including one recommended by a friend.

She'd urged me to apply Elizabeth Arden cream,” wrote.

“He added, my mum used that on her lips.

You want me to put that on my todger?

It works, Harry, trust me.”

While the book may have been seen as humorous by some, it has not been received well by everyone.

Former Fox News presenter Megyn Kelly expressed her disapproval, saying that it was not a normal thing for a man to reveal such intimate details.

“This example of the todger is so interesting to me because it reveals a complete lack of dignity,” Kelly said on a podcast.

“No normal person, never mind man, would read a passage that way.

What kind of a man would share a story like that?

That's about his intimate parts.

I'm just sorry, but most men would have every instinct to say there are some things that are too personal.”

Prince Harry appeared on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where the incident was discussed while sipping tequila.

Colbert asked the Duke about the crisis at the South Pole, to which Prince Harry responded, “First of all, it didn't turn into an icicle.

It didn't snap off like a graham cracker.”

Some have speculated that Kimmel's parody book was revenge for Courtney Cox's related things in Prince Harry's memoir.

Kimmel is a good friend of Jennifer Aniston and is known as one of the most liberal elites in Hollywood.

His comment at the end of the segment about living happily ever after in a castle next to Oprah is also seen by some as a subtle dig at the Harkles, who are not well-liked in the local area.

In conclusion, Prince Harry's frostbitten p-nis has become the subject of ridicule and humor after he revealed intimate details about the incident.

While some found Jimmy Kimmel's parody book to be humorous, others, like Megyn Kelly, expressed their disapproval.

Prince Harry himself appeared to take the incident in stride, joking about it on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

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