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Kate Middleton’s Relaxed Curtsy Reveals Her Confidence and Future Role in the Royal Family

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Royal Family News

Kate Middleton’s Relaxed Curtsy Reveals Her Confidence and Future Role in the Royal Family

The Duchess of Cambridge, , has been a long-term member of the royal family and has had plenty of practice at her curtsy.

As a customary practice, royals perform the submissive move when they meet the Queen in public.

But what does 's curtsy reveal about her and her relationship with the Queen?

According to body language expert Judy James, Kate's curtsy is more relaxed compared to 's curtsy, which the expert also analyzed.

James exclusively told Express UK that Kate's more relaxed curtsy involves eye contact and a broad smile, making it a greeting ritual as much as an act of obeisance.

James claims that Kate's relaxed and confident curtsy may be down to her hugely important role in the royal family, that of a future Queen.


It could be due to her practice, making her perfect in terms of her ability to be more relaxed and confident, or it could imply a different protocol when a future Queen meets the current.

Kate also moves her leg expertly to spread her weight, avoiding any wobbling.

Her head is held straight as she steps back, keeping her weight on her straight right leg and kicking the back one out slightly rather than bending both knees and risking struggles with her balance.

Like Meghan's curtsy, Kate's looks complementary to her husband's act of submission.

However, William shows less formality in his greeting with his grandmother, the Queen.

According to James, William's body position is less formal than Harry's, and he seems to be grinning as he nods his head.

In contrast, 's curtsy shows how keen she is to please the British royals.

Her early days' curtsy suggests just how much effort she put in to get things right, while Harry gives the lead by standing to attention and dropping his head dramatically.

Meghan's curtsy is a very sweet act of respect via body-lowering looks.

Kate Middleton made a rare public appearance this Monday, attending a church service with the Queen and other high ranking royals.

The Duchess of Cambridge, along with the Cambridge family, are currently enjoying the summer in Balmoral with the rest of the royal family.

Leaving George, Charlotte, and Louis behind, Kate and William were seen together, showing their strong relationship and commitment to their royal duties.

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