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Megan Markle’s Journey to Prince Harry: A Look Back

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Royal Family News

Megan Markle’s Journey to Prince Harry: A Look Back

Actress Megan Markle, now known as the Duchess of Sussex, has come a long way since her early days in Hollywood.

One of her former co-stars, Christopher Palahar, recently shared memories of working with her on the 2016 film Dates Handbook.

According to Palahar, he had a great time working with Markle and they reportedly had dinner every night for three weeks.

Palahar even called his wife and told her, “Megan and I are going on fake date night tonight.”

However, he also offered some advice to Markle about relationships.

“She was dating a guy in Toronto and she wasn't really into the dude and I was like, you just got out of a marriage, why are you jumping into another relationship, go be single, be free.”


Markle apparently heeded Palahar's advice and reportedly texted him later on that she was single.

She also updated him after she met .

“In March, I get this other text and she's like, well, I met someone.

I said, do you like him?

And she said, I kind of do.

And then of course, that someone was Harry.”

However, according to Tom Bauer, author of the book Revenge, Megan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors, Markle was on a manhunt for a new partner before she met .

She reportedly wanted someone to build her up.

Bauer claimed that Markle was still living with chef Corey Vitiello when she met Prince Harry for the first time.

With Vitiello still sharing Markle's home, the situation for Markle was tricky but manageable.

Bauer claimed in his book about their arrangement after she met the royal prince.

“At the end of the week, after he returned to London, Megan was convinced that her spouse was cast and the relationship with Harry would be sealed.

She told Corey that their affair was over,” the author alleged.

The Toronto-based chef was reportedly relieved over their separation because their final moments together had been quite unpleasant.

However, Vitiello opened doors to a higher class of society for Markle.

This social circle included the son of a former Canadian prime minister and the global membership director of the elite private club Soho House, Marcus Anderson.

This relationship provided Markle with the means to make the jump from an actress to a socialite.

A source said that this is what led Markle to make a lot of connections and network because she was now in the leagues with the big dogs and their powerful influencer wives.

Crazily enough, this is how Markle met her new best friend Jessica Mulroney.

Jessica is married to Ben Mulroney, who is the son of the former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney.

She also happens to come from a wealthy family and is the heiress to a famous Canadian shoe line called Brown Shoes Inc. She's basically a fashion designer who's designed outfits for the Canadian prime minister's wife Sophie Trudeau.

In short, she's a very rich socialite.

According to an anonymous source, Markle's relationship with Vitiello was not as over as she claimed it was when she met Prince Harry.

The source commented on Markle's relationship with Vitiello and said she was sleeping in his bed one day and the next was with Harry, blindsiding everyone.

In conclusion, Markle's journey to Prince Harry was filled with ups and downs, including relationships with other men and the challenges of navigating Hollywood's social scene.

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