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Meghan Markle’s Star Power Bigger Than Monarchy Allowed

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Star Power Bigger Than Monarchy Allowed

Lady C, a British aristocrat and royal commentator, has suggested that 's wife, , may have claimed to be pregnant before their wedding.

According to Lady C, this could be the reason why the engagement and wedding were rushed.

The Queen was said to have had no choice but to allow the marriage to happen.

Lady C also believes that the marriage is under severe strain and wonders if it can survive any more of these barrages.

She suggests that Harry could disassociate himself from the situation by admitting that he made some terrible mistakes and throwing himself on the mercy of his family and the public.

One of the mistakes Lady C refers to is the fact that Harry did not use proper protection, which is surprising given his reputation as the playboy of the royal family.


It appears that Meghan may have trapped Harry during their dating period, leading to a shotgun wedding.

Harry became a victim of circumstances and had no choice but to tell the Queen the truth.

Meghan did an excellent job of gradually controlling Harry, and what happened next is history.

Unlike Kate, Meghan is a big illusion.

She wanted to change the structure of the royal family and teach the Queen how to build up a family, which is ridiculous considering she couldn't even have a happy family herself.

Meghan's leading lady status was more important to her than anything else.

She felt that the royal family needed her more than she needed them, which is a claim that has been made.

It is believed that Meghan came to this conclusion after her and Harry's royal tour of Australia in 2018.

The trip was seen as hugely successful, with the couple travelling to Australia, New Zealand, Tonga and Fiji.

Meghan felt that her star power was bigger than what she was allowed to do in the monarchy.

She wanted to talk about the causes she cared about as herself, rather than being a representative figure in the monarchy.

There was a real sense of disappointment when she returned home, and it was clear that her star power was bigger than what she was allowed to do in the monarchy.

Just over a year after their tour of Australia, Meghan and Harry announced their plans to step back as working royals.

They officially ended their royal duties in March 2020 and moved to the US, where they set up home in the celebrity enclave of Montecito with their two children, and .

Their post-royal careers include deals with Netflix and Spotify to make shows and podcasts.

Despite her success, Meghan's past as a Z-list actress with no talent has been brought up by critics.

It is suggested that she managed to grab a prince who was like her – an egotist.

They are well-matched, but Meghan must have been well advised of her position on the pecking order.

If she truly believes that the royal family needs her more than she needs them, then they should hand back all their titles.

However, they won't do this because they need them to make money.

In conclusion, Lady C's comments have added fuel to the fire surrounding Meghan and Harry's relationship.

It remains to be seen how the couple will respond to these claims, but it is clear that their decision to step back as working royals has not put an end to the scrutiny they face.

Meghan's desire for a leading lady status and her belief that the royal family needs her more than she needs them have been questioned, and her past as an actress has been brought up once again.

Only time will tell how this will all play out, but it seems that the world will continue to watch the couple's every move with great interest.

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