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Tyler Perry Refuses To Attend Lilibet’s Christening, Raising Questions About Her Existence

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Royal Family News

Tyler Perry Refuses To Attend Lilibet’s Christening, Raising Questions About Her Existence

and 's daughter, , has yet to be christened, according to Tyler Perry, her godfather.

Speculation about 's existence has been rampant, with some people claiming that she does not exist at all.

The revelation that she has not been baptized will only fuel those rumors.

Perry, a Hollywood mogul, revealed in the second part of the Netflix docuseries “Harry and Meghan” that he refused to travel to the UK for Lilibet's christening.

He suggested that they do a private ceremony instead.

Perry famously let the couple stay in his $18 million LA estate after they first moved to the US in 2020.


The couple had not even met Perry before he reached out to Meghan after seeing negative stories in the press about her father, Thomas Markle.

The ensuing relationship between the couple and Perry led to them making him Lilibet's godfather.

Some have questioned why the couple would choose a stranger like Perry to be their child's godfather.

It has raised suspicions that they may be plotting something or trying to take advantage of his fame.

In the same episode of the Netflix series, Harry and Meghan shared footage and photos of baby Lilibet, who has rarely been seen since her birth last June.

Harry said that he sees a lot of his wife in and a lot of his mother in Lily.

He described her as having blue eyes and golden reddish hair, much like .

Lilibet's name was a nickname of the late II, and her middle name is Diana, after Harry's late mother.

However, the couple's 2022 Christmas card did not feature their children, and Lilibet, which raised questions about their absence.

Meanwhile, King Charles is reportedly waiting to see what is in a book before deciding what happens to Archie and Lilibet's titles.

The book is expected to contain details about the couple's decision to step back from royal duties.

The revelation that Lilibet has not been christened will only add fuel to rumors about her existence.

Some have claimed that she does not exist at all, and there is no trace of her.

Perry's refusal to attend the christening raises questions about why he would not want to be present for such an important event.

The couple's decision to choose a stranger like Perry as their child's godfather has also raised eyebrows.

Some have suggested that they may be trying to take advantage of his fame or plotting something.

Despite the questions surrounding Lilibet's existence, Harry and Meghan have continued to share photos and footage of their daughter.

Her middle name, Diana, is a tribute to Harry's late mother, and her nickname was a term of endearment used by the Queen.

As for Archie and Lilibet's titles, it remains to be seen what will happen.

King Charles is reportedly waiting to see what is in a book before making a decision.

The couple's decision to step back from royal duties has caused controversy, and many are eager to see what the future holds for them and their children.

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