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Meghan Markle’s Claims at Lion King Premiere Denied by Co-Stars

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Claims at Lion King Premiere Denied by Co-Stars

Two stars from the Lion King have denied speaking to during the 2019 London premiere of the live-action film.

John Carney, an actor claiming to be the only South African cast member, denied ever having met .

Although there are no further South African actors starring in the film, other African nationals involved in the movie may have attended the premiere.

South African singer Lindywe Mokisi, who sang Circle of Life in the 2019 remake and was also an actress in the stage play, was also in attendance.

However, an insider close to the actress and singer revealed that she didn't speak to Meghan that night.

The actress has been criticised by readers after she claimed she'd been compared with Nelson Mandela and took another shot at royal life.


One Twitter user wrote, “Meghan Markle, whose biggest ambition in life was to marry rich and marry up, believes that marrying generated the same excitement and hysteria as when Nelson Mandela was released from prison after having spent 27 years of his life behind bars for fighting apartheid.”

Another wrote, “Please can't you get Meghan Markle to just be quiet.

Her toxicity and vendetta is so awful.

Her narcissism is so damaging to our country and the monarchy.

Why can't Harry stop her?

To compare herself to Nelson Mandela is beyond ludicrous.

Poison tongue.”

It has been more than two years since Markle and announced they would be stepping back from their senior royal roles, and since then the Duchess of Sussex has taken multiple digs at her previous royal role.

The former actress has condemned the traditional royal rota, a press pool which was formed over 40 years ago and covers the British royal family.

Speaking in an interview, she expressed frustration over being expected to give photos of and , despite other members of the firm, including Kate and William, adhering to the rule.

Many were quick to hit back at the Duchess's comments.

One person wrote on Twitter, “Meghan Markle, why did you join the royal family when you must have been aware of the strict protocols?

You literally came to the UK for your showbiz wedding and now you're making money slagging off your husband's family.

Bore off you annoying, irrelevant attention seeker.”

Another added, “Meghan Markle, I believe I speak for most Britons when I say we're sick to death of you continuously trying to tarnish the name of our royal family.

Please do withdraw to the private and secluded life you wished for.”

Meghan appears on the cover of The Cut, looking straight into the camera wearing a black polo neck with her hair scraped back.

The image has drawn comparisons with a photograph of Diana, Princess of Wales, which shows Harry's mother dressed similarly, looking directly into the lens.

Sarah Vine, writing in the Mail, said, “While Diana's smile is slightly shy, she nevertheless gazes warmly at the viewer, her eyes dancing with mischief.

By contrast, Meghan's half-open mouth is more of a spirk, and her beautiful warm brown eyes are somehow as cold as ice.”

The commentator went on to describe the revelations detailed in the Cut interview as narcissistic drivel.

Robert Jobson, author of William at Forty, The Making of a Modern Monarch replied, “She's worse than a fantasist.

I'm beginning to think she actually believes her own Meghan truths.

It's almost pathological.

What is very sad, she knows some people will believe this nonsense.”

Despite the backlash, Meghan remains determined to speak out about her experiences and defend herself against criticism.

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