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Meghan Markle’s Tension at Prince Harry’s Friend’s Wedding Revealed by Body Language Expert

Photos: GETTY

Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Tension at Prince Harry’s Friend’s Wedding Revealed by Body Language Expert

Body language expert Jesus Enrique Rosas has analyzed 's facial expressions and actions during the wedding of 's childhood friend, Tom Inskip, held in 2017.

According to Rosas, Meghan exhibited tension and even gave a death stare to a woman who was talking to Harry.

Rosas pointed out that the photographer was able to capture moments where Meghan was marking her territory, which included giving the death stares to the woman who was trying to have a conversation with Harry.

In one photo, Harry was seen talking to another woman while Meghan looked towards her.

Rosas shared that this photo depicts the general attitude of both Harry and Meghan.

Rosas zoomed in on Meghan's expression, which included side-eye and tension in her jaw and lips.


He also highlighted other moments from the wedding when Meghan had similar tension.

In one image, he pointed out her neck, head, and facial expression of tension.

Rosas believes Harry was exhibiting frustration in the moment as he was looking down and pressing his lips.

Another photo showed Meghan with her hand in a claw gesture, with her mouth really tense in an angry expression.

That expression resulted in tension in her jaw and neck muscles as well.

Rosas explained that this is how you tell the intensity of her feelings.

In another photo, Meghan had her hand on Harry's back, and Rosas pointed out a small detail with Harry's body language.

He noticed that Harry is pulling his head back, which is usually a sign of being really uncomfortable and on the defensive.

Rosas believes that Meghan is trying to look nice with a smile, but when you zoom in, you notice that this is an asymmetric smile.

He called it an expression of contempt.

Finally, Rosas showed an image of Harry and Meghan, where she had one arm around his shoulder and another clutching his arm.

Rosas shared that at first, it was a bit hard to understand what was upsetting about it, but determined that Harry is not engaging at all with her.

Harry had a straight neck, looking away from Meghan, with a defensive posture.

Rosas admitted that there are limitations to not having a video to tell the whole story, but the photos were nevertheless revealing.

He cautioned that one has to be very careful because it's really easy to make the mistake of letting your biases judge a photo just because of the feelings that a person inspires in you.

Rosas added that you should be able to spot at least two or three body language clues to reach a solid conclusion.

However, Tom Inskip, Harry's childhood pal, was banned from his wedding party after he made a snide comment about .

In Finding Freedom, Tom Itzkobe and Caroline Durand wrote that this was due to him voicing concern at the speed with which Harry was marrying.

Harry was reportedly very hurt.

Notably absent from the reception was Skippy, Harry's old friend, who had questioned the prince's relationship with Meghan, and his wife, Lara.

In conclusion, the body language expert's analysis revealed that Meghan Markle exhibited tension during 's friend's wedding in 2017.

Her facial expressions and actions, including death stares, were captured on camera.

While there are limitations to analyzing photos without a video, the images were revealing.

Additionally, Tom Inskip's ban from Harry's wedding party due to his comments about Meghan shows the level of loyalty Harry has for his wife.

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