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Did The Late Queen Throw Meghan Out Of The Country?

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Royal Family News

Did The Late Queen Throw Meghan Out Of The Country?

Rumours are spreading that the late II threw out of the country after multiple offences.

According to a screenshot on Markle News' Instagram, a source claimed that the Queen's aides informed her of Meghan's refusal to make an appearance as part of her work schedule.

The Queen then sent for for a meeting, but she refused, citing a prior engagement.

The situation was already tense as Meghan had been caught taking photos of 's daughter, Charlotte, while she was sleeping in a bedroom.

After Catherine reported missing jewellery, vendors were still sending her expensive gowns as gifts, which put Meghan on shaky ground.

's aide found out that Meghan was headed to a meeting and contacted the host to cancel it by order of the Queen.


When Meghan showed up, no one was there to meet with her, and she threw a tantrum.

Queen Elizabeth's security people were there and escorted her to a waiting car, but she pitched a fit, shouting, “take your hands off me, I'm the Duchess,” and more.

They ignored her and stuck her in the car.

Inside the car were Edward and Sophie, with Meghan's luggage in the trunk.

Queen Elizabeth had sent aides to Frogmore Cottage who packed her bags.

That's why she left a diary at Frogmore Cottage because she didn't pack her own things.

Edward and Sophie's drivers drove them straight to RAF Norfolk, where a plane was waiting.

They loaded her on it, Edward and Sophie escorted her onto the plane, settled her in, left her there, and they flew her to Canada.

This is what Harry wants an apology for, which they called the Sandringham Summit.

Remember how it was scheduled for several weeks later, but Harry wanted to move it up.

That's why Harry was on his own.

Queen Elizabeth had flown Meghan to Canada.

According to Diana Epper's Encora, there is a photo showing Meghan being formally escorted from a theatre in London where she thought she had a meeting set up.

Queen Elizabeth wanted to meet with her to discuss matters on the 8th of January 2020, but Meghan told Her Majesty that she couldn't possibly meet with her.

Meghan already had her own meeting scheduled.

Queen Elizabeth cancelled the theatre meeting, and Meghan showed up not knowing this.

Meghan long thought the late Queen was an old lady to be ignored, not to be obeyed.

Meghan thought that she could handle the Queen.

Well, Meghan was taken to the airport along with two bags of clothes and items taken from Frogmore Cottage.

Which is why a diary remained at Frogmore, since it wasn't packed for her.

The Royal Protectors took Meghan on board an airplane, where a stern Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, and Prince Edward were waiting.

They remained with Markle until she departed the UK for Canada.

This occurred on the day before Meghan and Harry sent out the statement via Instagram that they were stepping back from royal duties, all without consulting the Queen, who would decide all matters.

Although we couldn't independently verify the rumours, some royal fans believe it, with one commenting, “I live in Norfolk, and RAF Marham is used a lot by the royals, but there was talk that Meghan Markle was delivered there as I know someone who works at Sandringham, so yeah, I believe it.”

Let's face it, our dear Queen would never have anyone mess with the crown.

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