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Is The Life and Financial Dreams of Madame and the Former Prince Sustainable?

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Royal Family News

Is The Life and Financial Dreams of Madame and the Former Prince Sustainable?

It has been almost three years since Megxit, and the former prince and his wife, who are now known as Madame, have been trying to find their feet in the world.

They left the royal family with a list of demands and the hope of finding freedom from the constraints of their previous life.

However, it seems that their dreams may not be sustainable in the long run.

Despite their association with the royal family, the couple has struggled to secure big contracts with media companies in the US.

Their aim was to produce wholesome and family-orientated content, but they have yet to achieve this goal.

With only pitiful inheritances to live on, they desire to be taken seriously on a global scale.

Their recent interview with Oprah was supposed to launch them as the new royals for the modern era, using the Diana and race card to garner sympathy from the masses.


However, this backfired big time.

The public found it hard to believe their new tales, and old people are not gullible.

While we believed Diana’s woes, the new stories were hard to swallow.

It is understandable that Harry wanted a life away from royal duties, but it is doubtful that Montecito was his garden of Eden.

The African continent may have been his preferred choice, and he may have been led to believe that it was a possibility while he was being courted.

It is unclear how he was convinced to go to Canada and then on to the US.

Meghan’s plans of waltzing into Hollywood and having A-list directors clamber for her to be in their movies is never going to happen.

A title only works its magic in certain places.

At this point in time, she has a diabolical podcast series, no noteworthy philanthropic success stories, and no demands for them to appear at any big social events.

They’re not trustworthy and detract from the objective of events.

The couple has staged pap shots, paid for interviews, and puff pieces about things they did four plus years ago.

Their strategies to make Harry lustworthy are also evident.

It is clear that there are issues in their marriage as they are trying way too hard to show their love in public.

More often than not, Madame has her Cheshire grin on her face, while Harry looks miserable.

It is apparent that this relationship and lifestyle is not sustainable.

Madame wants fame and recognition for just being her, a fantasy princess.

This is delusional.

Harry’s book is not going to make for a happily ever after scenario, and he will never be accepted as a king.

One Twitter user commented that they believe Meghan has pretty much destroyed her career.

They think she has gotten herself blackballed in Hollywood and the media world for various reasons.

She is difficult to work with, has an insufferably haughty attitude, is lazy, and has offended many A-listers.

Another user believes that, at 41, her opportunities for leading roles will only continue to dwindle.

They don’t see her being satisfied with supporting roles, and that’s not even factoring in talent since they never saw her in Suits or any other roles.

If Madame would learn to ask good questions and let her guests speak, she might build a new career as an interviewer.

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