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Meghan Markle’s Royal Wedding Descends into Chaos

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Royal Family News

Meghan Markle’s Royal Wedding Descends into Chaos

The upcoming royal wedding of and has taken a turn for the worse with just three days to go.

What was supposed to be a joyous occasion filled with love and good cheer has turned into an acrimonious, disorganized fiasco.

The majority of the blame falls on Meghan's family, who have exploited their girl's royal romance for money and residual fame.

From the moment Harry and Meghan went public with their engagement, barely a week has gone by without ever tackier revelations exploding from the Markles.

It's been the most outrageous, uproarious family reality show in town.

We've had the drunken, violent, drug-addled, estranged half-brother Thomas Jr. penning viciously worded letters to Harry demanding the prince dump his narcissistic, shallow, selfish sister.


We've had the seething, sniping, bitter, twisted and equally estranged half-sister Samantha spitting cruel bile about Meghan to anyone who will stick a few dollars in her pocket.

Only today, Samantha has launched a fresh attack, spewing away about her right to trash-talk Meghan.

And now we've had the father of the bride caught with his greedy snout on the paparazzi trough, cashing in on his daughter's wedding with staged photos that were sold around the world.

Weddings are public platforms for dysfunctional families.

I just never thought the day would come when a family marrying into the royal family would be more dysfunctional than the royal family itself.

But here we are.

Thomas Markle, the father of the bride, has been the center of attention in recent days.

He was caught staging photos with the paparazzi and selling them to media outlets across the world.

Despite this, he continued to share his thoughts with TMZ, a popular showbiz website, and generated huge clicks and attention for himself in the process.

Kensington Palace, on the other hand, has completely lost control of the narrative of this wedding.

They should have taken immediate steps to ensure Meghan's family were protected from the inevitable mass of media attention heading their way.

Why didn't Kensington Palace either send people to Mexico to advise Thomas Markle or fly him to London?

It's not as if Harry and Meghan can't afford to put him up for a few weeks.

They're both rich and live in a giant palace full of spare rooms and servants.

Harry hasn't even bothered to meet his future in-law.

How weird is that?

The result of this farcical incompetence is that Meghan's had to spend the most stressful week of her life with a hundred times more stress than she could have ever imagined.

There have been reports of her tearfully begging him on the phone to change his mind and walk her down the aisle.

What a terrible situation for any bride to find herself in.

I also imagine that Harry's been utterly furious.

For someone who hates the paparazzi and tabloids to see his soon-to-be father-in-law in cahoots with the paparazzi and tabloids will have enraged the headstrong young prince beyond belief.

Perhaps things will sort themselves out by Saturday but I doubt it.

From the sound of things, the only member of Meghan's entire family who will be there is her mother, who is also the one that so far kept her mouth shut and behaved with decorum.

That fact alone would fill me with deep concern if I were the royals, who are these Markles.

What further mayhem are they going to wreak, especially now they've all been snubbed from the wedding?

Harry and Meghan must take some of the blame here, by excluding from their 600-strong-*ss list all of Meghan's family, many of whom have only said nice things about her and the wedding, and some of her oldest friends.

They're surely creating an even bigger problem down the road.

Sometimes, a wedding is a good chance to settle old grievances, rather than cement them.

They're now going to have a lot more disgruntled Markles bristling with anger at being snubbed, especially when they see celebrities like the Beckhams sitting in their seats in the church.

The Markle reality show will roll unedifyingly on, and the palace appears worryingly impotent and incompetent in its efforts to control the tidal wave of tacky titillation cascading from their lips.

As for how all this washes up, my heart hopes Harry and Meghan will brush off the wedding chaos and live the fairy tale happily ever after.

My head, though, views with mounting concern the wildly erratic behavior of the Markles, and I find myself murmuring, there may be trouble ahead.

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