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Trevor Engelson’s Upcoming Book to Reveal His Side of the Story with Meghan Markle

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Royal Family News

Trevor Engelson’s Upcoming Book to Reveal His Side of the Story with Meghan Markle

The world has been captivated by the love story of and , but there are still many unanswered questions about her past relationships.

One of those relationships was with Trevor Engelson, her ex-husband, who is allegedly writing a book that will tell his side of the story.

According to royal expert Neil Sean, Engelson's upcoming book will be a remarkable story written from his perspective.

While many people have spoken out about their relationships with Markle, Sean believes that her ex-husband's perspective will be even more interesting to hear.

Engelson has never spoken on record about his time with Markle, but rumors have circulated about their relationship.

Thomas Markle, Meghan's father, claimed that Engelson was devastated by the divorce and that Meghan told her mother that he was mean to her.


However, no allegations have come forward from the Sussex camp.

It's not clear what Engelson's book will reveal, but it's likely that it will shed light on their marriage and why it ended.

Some speculate that he may discuss the rumors that Markle left him in the mail and took his blender, while others believe that he may have a more serious story to tell.

Whatever the case may be, it's clear that Markle is likely feeling anxious about the release of the book.

As Sean noted, “this must be terrifying for Megan Markle because obviously they've got an axe to grind.”

However, he also acknowledged that Engelson's perspective could be valuable to readers.

Meanwhile, Markle's third husband, , is also set to release a book.

The title of the book has sparked controversy, as it's believed to reference the saying, “the heir and the spare.”

Some have criticized the title as being sad and victimizing, while others believe that it could be a response to Harry's role in the relationship.

Jonathan Sacerdote, a royal commentator, believes that the narrative surrounding the couple is about to shift to center around Harry with the release of his book and series 5 of The Crown.

“We've generally seen Megan taking center stage, so the title spare could be turned around on him in relation to that,” he said.

“I think it's about to shift.

He's about to be the center of attention again.”

It remains to be seen what both books will reveal, but it's clear that they will add new layers to the ongoing discussion about and her relationships.

As always, there are two sides to every story, and readers will have to decide for themselves which perspective to believe.

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